Industry - October 2015
Industry still in good condition
Publication Date: 07. 12. 2015
Product Code: 150153-15
In October 2015, industrial production increased at constant prices by 3.8%, year-on-year. Working days adjusted industrial production increased by 6.4%. Compared to the previous month, seasonally adjusted industrial production was higher by 1.5%. The value of new orders increased by 6.5%, y-o-y.
In October 2015, industrial production increased at constant prices by 3.8%, y-o-y; working days adjusted industrial production increased by 6.4%. October 2015 had 1 working day less compared to October 2014. Seasonally adjusted industrial production (including working days adjustment) was higher by 1.5%, m-o-m. The following contributed the most to the y-o-y increase of industrial production: manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (contribution +3.3 p.p., growth by 19.0%), manufacture of rubber and plastic products (contribution +0.7 p.p., growth by 10.7%), and manufacture of electrical equipment (contribution +0.5 p.p., growth by 7.7%). Industrial production dropped in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (contribution -1.6 p.p., drop by 12.6%), manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (contribution -0.7 p.p., drop by 21.0%), and printing and reproduction of recorded media (contribution -0.1 p.p., drop by 7.4%).
Sales from industrial activity at current prices increased by 2.0%, y-o-y, in October 2015. Direct export sales of industrial enterprises increased at current prices by 5.5%. Domestic sales, which include also indirect export via non-industrial enterprises decreased by 2.2% at current prices.
The value of new orders in selected industrial CZ-NACE activities increased by 6.5%, y-o-y, in October 2015. Non-domestic new orders increased by 9.6%, while domestic new orders increased by 1.0%. The y-o-y growth of new orders in total was the most contributed to by the following CZ-NACE divisions: manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (contribution +8.2 p.p., growth by 22.7%), manufacture of electrical equipment (contribution +0.5 p.p., growth by 5.7%), and manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products (contribution +0.4 p.p., growth by 4.6%). New orders decreased in manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (contribution -1.9 p.p., drop by 28.5%), manufacture of basic metals (contribution -0.6 p.p., drop by 8.9%), and manufacture of other transport equipment (contribution -0.3 p.p., drop by 14.9%).
The average registered number of employees*) in industrial enterprises with 50+ employees increased in October 2015 by 3.6%, y-o-y. Their average monthly nominal gross wage increased in October 2015 by 2.5%, y-o-y, and reached CZK 28 337.
According to the Eurostat news release working day adjusted industrial production in the EU28 in September 2015 increased by 1.8%, y-o-y. According to a preliminary time schedule, data for October 2015 will be released by Eurostat on 14 December 2015 at 11:00 a.m.
In accordance with the CZSO revision policy, when processing of data for October 2015 data for July to September 2015 were revised at the same time.
Responsible head at the CZSO: Radek Matějka, phone number: (+420) 274 052 894,
Contact person: Veronika Doležalová, phone number (+420) 274 054 286,
Method of data acquisition: direct survey of the CZSO (Prům 1-12)
End of data collection: 1 December 2015
Related outputs: time series
Next News Release will be published on: 8 January 2016