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RSS is an alternative way of reading news when you want to follow the stream of news on the Internet. To read the news you need a separate software, a RSS-reader, in addition to your browser. In this reader you fill in the addresses of the web sites you want to follow. The program checks, updates and notifies you when news arrives.

This is a service for the distribution of News releases , Analyses and Commentaries, Press releases and Just published publication from in XML format. The XML document contains a general description with a link to (an official website of the Czech Statistical Office), where is the information published.

CZSO - News:

CZSO - News Releases:

CZSO - Analyses, Commentaries:

CZSO - Press Releases:

CZSO - Just Published (Publications):

RSS feed of links on the page

Each page exposes a separate RSS feed that can be machine-read for published links and documents. The URL of the feed is /rss/{web}/{urlPages}/links.

There are pages with two types of URLs on

Links to "chapters" may appear in some page types. These links are identified by the <category> element and the value KAPITOLA. An example can be found at and its RSS feed
The page and RSS feed contain, for example, the chapter "B. Marriages". The links from the chapters can then be loaded in the same way as the links for regular pages. For example, for
      <title>B. Marriages</title>
      <category domain="">KAPITOLA</category>

there will be a link to the RSS feed of links

CZSO - News (Regional offices)