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Internal Anti-Corruption Program of the CZSO

Following the Government Resolution No. 853 of 29 November 2017 on the Update of the Framework Departmental Internal Anti-Corruption Program the CZSO has its own Internal Anti-Corruption Program. Its aim is to continuously introduce preconditions preventing occurrence of a corrupt environment into the internal management and control system of the Office. This is not a one-off act, but a program responding to emerging situations and findings and be updated on an operational basis.

Within the CZSO, areas of the Office's activities with increased corruption potential are identified and described (the so-called Corruption Risk Map).

The Internal Anti-corruption Program of the CZSO is based on the following basic pillars and measures:

Pillar 1: Creating and strengthening the anti-corruption climate:


  • Promotion of an anti-corruption stance by directors and senior employees
  • Code of Ethics
  • Employee Education
  • System for reporting suspected corruption
  • Protection of whistleblowers

Pillar 2: Transparency


  • Disclosure of information about public funds
    • Budget information
    • Information relating to public procurement
    • Information relating to the disposal of departmental property
    • Information relating to consultants and advisory bodies of the CZSO
    • Information on concluded contracts
    • Other information
  • Disclosure of information on the decision-making system
  • Placement of the anti-corruption information on the CZSO website


Pillar 3: Corruption risk management and monitoring of controls


  • Corruption risk assessment
  • Monitoring of control mechanisms to detect corruption
  • Investigating risk areas

Pillar 4: Procedures for suspected corruption


  • Procedure of a CZSO employee in case of suspicion of corrupt behavior
  • Procedure for investigating suspected corrupt behavior
  • Follow-up measures

Pillar 5: Evaluation of the internal anti-corruption program


  • Evaluation of the internal anti-corruption program
  • Reports on the departmental internal anti-corruption program
  • Updating the departmental internal anti-corruption program