Household surveys
The Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) collects, creates, and publishes a large amount of statistical data on social, economic, demographic, and ecological development in Czechia. One of many sources of our data are also regular surveys on households and individuals that we carry out. We call these surveys sample surveys in households (or household sample surveys).
- The sample survey within the programme of the European Union – Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
The EU-SILC survey is an official source of data on living conditions and income in individual types of households, on the quality and financing of housing, and on the equipment of households with durable goods.
- Labour Force Sample Survey (LFSS) The survey focuses on information on total employment and unemployment together with data on economically inactive population; it enables to quantify the amount and structure of disposable labour force from the point of view of the current situation and the possibility for further development. The survey is key for planning of creating of jobs, education, social care, and many other areas, which influence all of us
- Tourism Sample Survey (TSS) The Tourism Sample Survey (TSS) is a statistical survey that brings information about the current situation in tourism be it about domestic trips of the population or their trips abroad.
- Sample Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals (abbreviated “VŠIT” in Czech)
The mobile phone, the personal computer, and the Internet have changed the current world significantly. Every year, possibilities that these technologies offer us in the area of communication, speed, and the way information is disseminated are further enhanced. Nevertheless, not each of us has the same opportunity to get connected to the Internet, not everybody knows how to use it. Therefore, we also collect data on spreading of selected information and communication technologies in households and on their usage.
- Household Budget Survey (HBS)
HBS monitors expenditure and provides information on its value and on the structure of consumption expenditure of private households based on data provided by them. Information from HBS mainly serves as a basis for assessment of the social and economic situation of the population of the Czech Republic. It is also indispensable for creation of the so-called consumer basket the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) uses for calculating the consumer price index, the so-called inflation, and it is also one of the data sources for the national accounts estimates concerning the household sector (part of the GDP resources).
- The sample survey Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS)
We collect even very sensitive data on finances of households. HFCS is aimed at mapping the situation of Czech households in terms of finance and property. The data obtained help construct the combined risk of poverty and social exclusion of households; the prerequisite for this is the indicator of the so-called net wealth. Additionally, the survey’s results provide background material for analysing the behaviour of Czech households in relation to what financial market instruments they use, what their overall indebtedness is, what risks they undergo in respect of various loans and credits and how their property is endangered by credit.
- European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) Results of the survey help assess current and future burdens on the social and health system in Czechia. They serve as a basis for creation of both national and international political policies, for determination of main points and objectives of health programmes and, particularly, to monitor how they are complied with.
- Sample Survey on Persons with Disabilities (abbreviated “VŠPO” in Czech) The Sample Survey on Persons with Disabilities focuses on persons who are as a consequence of their bad health or a health problem limited in their routine activities for a long time. It finds out what was the cause of health problems (an injury, a disease, or a congenital malformation), whether these people work or are dependent on social benefits, whether they use mobility aids and assistance of another person. The survey also contains questions focusing on barriers and difficulties people with health problems face in the real world. This survey belongs to the category of extraordinary surveys that are carried out once in several years; its current wave is at present ongoing in the years 2023 and 2024.
- A sample survey on energy consumption in households (ENERGO - 2021) Results of the survey are usable not only for the energy policy of the state (including the area of subsidies and energy savings) and for experts focusing on the energy sector, but also for all citizens of Czechia. It is because they enable, for example, comparing of the average consumption of fuels and energies in our dwellings (flats) with other Member States of the European Union.
- Adult Education Survey (AES) One of the main objectives of education policy is to support adult participation in learning (previously named “lifelong learning”), which are all activities leading to acquiring of latest knowledge throughout the whole life. Results of our surveys serve as a basis for creating education policies
- Sample survey on volunteer work
Sample surveys in households carried out by the CZSO are divided into two basic groups as follows:
- Integrated living conditions surveys (ILCS) include EU-SILC, HBS, and HFCS (in Czech abbreviated as FSD).
- Integrated Household Surveys (IHS) include LFSS, TSS, VŠIT (a Czech abbreviation), AES, VŠPO (a Czech abbreviation), EHIS, and ENERGO.