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Regional statistics

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Regional statistics include statistical data for various administrative territorial units, ranging from basic settlement units to parts of municipalities, communes, administrative districts, counties, regions and cohesion regions. They are available in a large part of the statistical groups, but do not cover the whole structure. The Census of Population, Houses and Flats provides the most detailed regional data at ten-year intervals, and demographic statistics also provide relatively detailed data. In contrast, some statistics provide data only for the Czech Republic, while in others they are broken down only by region, as the available data base does not allow for a more detailed view. More detailed information can be found on the pages of individual statistics and on the pages of individual regions (the link is located in the top bar). The methodology of the regional data is the same as for the Czech Republic, please note any differences in individual tables, graphs or maps.

Selected data about regions


Time series


Additional regional data



Data in map



Catalogue of products
