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Based on international legal norms, agreements and other activities, Czech Statistical Office participates in Europe-wide and global collection and dissemination of statistical information programs. Statistician’s result of the efforts of many international institutions is extensive database data where CSO together with contributes information concerning the Czech republic, together with other departments of the state statistical service. On this page you can find the outputs from these databases and references to international statistical information of European and world organizations.

Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Period: 2023

 CzechiaEU 27Maximum value
within the EU27
Minimum value
within the EU27
Population (percentage of the EU27 population)2.4-Germany18.8Luxembourg,
Total population change (per 1 000 population) in 202229.16.1Malta41.2Hungary-9.5
Year-on-year inflation rate1)12.06.4Hungary17.0Belgium2.3
Year-on-year real GDP growth rate-0.30.5Malta5.7Ireland-3.2
Industrial production index (2021 = 100)2)100.9100.9Denmark122.5Estonia89.1
Participation rate of the population aged 15–64 years77.175.0Netherlands85.5Italy66.7
Employment rate of the population aged 15–64 years75.170.4Netherlands82.4Italy61.5
Harmonised unemployment rate2.66.1Spain12.2Czechia2.6

Data were downloaded from the Eurostat Database on 12 June 2024

1) harmonised indices of consumer prices - average annual growth rate
2) mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (sections B, C, and D according to the NACE Rev. 2 classification); adjusted by working days

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