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Register of Census Districts and Buildings

Register of Census Districts and Buildings (RSO) is the public list, which is maintained by the Czech Statistical Office in compliance with Article 20a) of Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, as amended (Act No. 81/2004 Coll., Act No. 230/2006 Coll.).

The RSO represents a unified database and a geographical model of the administrative, residential and statistical structure of the Czech Republic: state, territory NUTS 1, NUTS 2, regions, districts, municipalities, municipality parts including their segments, city districts/city boroughs, cadastral districts, territorial technical units, basic settlement units including their segments, census districts, buildings, streets and public places, derived elements of administrative districts of municipalities with authorised municipal office, administrative districts of municipalities with extended competence, administrative districts of the City of Prague, territorial districts of the City of Prague, territorial competence of the offices, statistical territorial units (NUTS 0 to 3, or local administrative units at the district and municipality level, i.e. LAU 1 to 2).

The object of the RSO is a very small territorial element (statistical unit) and a building with a house number or a building without individual number, on condition that there exist at least one individual dwelling entrance (i.e. adjoining buildings). The component part of the RSO is dwellings as well as building addresses.

The register is continuously updated from administrative data sources and its own activities. The reference data source is basic register of public administration - the Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estate (RÚIAN).