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Accessibility Statement

The Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) undertakes to make its websites accessible pursuant to the Act No 99/2019 Sb, on accessibility of websites and mobile applications and on a change of the Act No 365/2000 Sb, on information systems of the public administration and on a change of some other acts, as amended, implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies. 
Accessibility status
Websites and mobile application of the Czech Statistical Office are partly in compliance with the Act No 99/2019 Sb, on accessibility of websites and mobile applications and on a change of the Act No 365/2000 Sb, on information systems of the public administration and on a change of some other acts, as amended, for the reasons stated below.
Inaccessible Content
The content below is not accessible due to disproportionate load:
  • The main menu is not fully keyboard accessible and compatible with assistive technologies (such as screen readers). However, users can use its full alternative, which is located in the footer of each page and is accessible through assistive technologies as the “Accessible Main Menu”.
  • Videos published until 31.12.2024 do not have professionally created descriptive captions.
  • Infographics do not currently have a relevant text alternative. In the future, we plan to publish fully accessible pdfs as their accessible alternative. If you need to familiarize yourself with the content of any published infographics now and are prevented from doing so by their inaccessibility, please contact us.
Elaboration of the Accessibility statement
This Accessibility statement was elaborated on 2 December 2019 based on an assessment made by a third party. 
The Accessibility statement was revised on 3 December 2024. 
The Accessibility statement was elaborated based on a methodological instruction of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic on the Act No 99/2019 Sb. 
Feedback and contacts
Please, send your feedback regarding the accessibility of the websites and information contained on the websites to the contacts below. 
Web content manager contact
Law enforcement procedures
In case you receive an unsatisfactory response to your announcement or a request sent in accordance with the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council, please contact the competent law enforcement authority:

Digital and Information Agency
Na Vápence 915/14
130 00 Praha 3