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Conditions for use and further dissemination of the CZSO statistical data

Statistical information released by the Czech Statistical Office through the website
can be:

  • disseminated: copied, distributed and communicated to the public,
  • used and quoted in other publications,
  • used commercially,

under the following conditions:

  • the Czech Statistical Office will be indicated as the data source (however, this must not give the impression that the CZSO supports the data user or the way he uses his work),
  • statistical data and information will be used only in a way, which does not alter or modify their meaning.

Other conditions for use of CZSO data:

  • statistical data are published according to the Act No. 89/1995 Sb., on the State Statistical Service, as amended,
  • provided that CZSO data are disseminated there is an obligation to mention the terms of this license, preferably by a direct link to this web page,
  • rules regulating the re-use of CZSO documents do not apply to documents covered by intellectual property rights of third parties,
  • The CZSO accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the use of data from the CZSO website or any linked external sites,
  • The CZSO reserves the right to temporarily restrict access to this information for operational or technical reason, without notice.

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