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Industry - January 2010

Industrial production recorded a growth

Product Code: r-8001-10

Seasonally adjusted industrial production was 3.0% up compared with December 2009 and in the year-on-year comparison in increased by 5.3%. The value of new orders grew by 3.7%, y-o-y.

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In January 2010 industrial production increased by 5.3 % compared with January 2009. Working days adjusted industrial production grew by 8.0%. January 2010 had one working day less compared with January 2009. The annual results are affected by low comparable basis in January 2009 when the slump of industrial production hit the bottom. Compared to the previous month, seasonally adjusted (plus WDA) industrial production was 3.0 % up down compared to December 2009. The annual growth in industrial production was most contributed to by manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (contribution +6.3 p.p., growth by 51.1%), manufacture of rubber and plastic products (contribution +0.9%, growth by 15.6%) and manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, casting of metals (contribution +0.6%, growth by 13.8%). The biggest drop of industrial production was reported for manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (contribution -0.7 p.p., drop by 16.4%), manufacture of machinery and equipment (contribution -0.6 p.p., drop by 7.8%) and manufacture of electrical equipment (contribution -0.4 p.p., drop by 7.9 %).

Revenues from industrial activity at current prices increased by 0.3% compared with January 2009. Direct export revenues of industrial enterprises at current prices increased by 8.1%. Their share in total revenues of industrial enterprises made up 47.7%.

The value of new orders in selected industrial CZ-NACE activities raised by 3.7% compared with January 2009 (non-domestic new orders increased by 6.8%). The annual growth of total new orders was most contributed to by manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (contribution +8.5 p.p., growth by 33.8%) and manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (contribution +0.3%, growth by 3.6%). Industrial new orders recorded a drop in manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, casting of metals (contribution -2.7 p.p., drop by 26.3%), manufacture of other transport equipment (contribution -1.0 p.p., drop by 45.2%) and manufacture of metal structures and fabricated metal products (contribution -0.6 p.p., drop by 4.1%).

The average registered number of employees in enterprises with 50 or more employees decreased by 13.1% compared with January 2009. Their average monthly nominal wage rose by 4.2% compared with January 2009 and reached CZK 23 671.

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According to the Eurostat news release published in December 2009, WDA industrial production in the EU 27 declined by 4.9%. Data for January 2010 will by released by Eurostat on 12 March 2010 at 11:00 a.m.

Jan Ernest, phone (+420)274054188, e-mail: jan.ernest@csu.gov.cz
Source of data: CZSO surveys
End of data collection: 2 March 2010
End of data processing: 5 March 2010
