Statistical surveys carried out by other Authorities of the State Statistical Service
Statistical surveys in the Czech Republic are in compliance with Act No.89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, as amended, conducted by the Czech Statistical Office and other Authorities of the State Statistical Service (hereinafter referred to as „the SSS“). An overview of statistical surveys is published annually in the form of a Decree on the Programme of Statistical Surveys. Based on the Decree a reporting duty arises. A basic overview of the number of surveys is given in the table below.
Table 1: Overview of statistical surveys with the reporting duty in 2021-2025
Number of surveys | Programme of Statistical Surveys in the year | |||||
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | ||
Authorities of the SSS | 65 | 65 | 66 | 66 | 66 | |
Total | 157 | 157 | 158 | 156 | 156 |
Surveys carried out by other Authorities of the SSS according to the Decree on the Programme of Statistical Surveys:
Currently, 6 Authorities of the SSS (ministries) conduct statistical surveys under the Decree on the Programme of Statistical Surveys (7 other Authorities of the SSS do not conduct any surveys under the Decree). The CZSO coordinates these surveys, assesses them from the point of view of their methodology and ensures that the ministries do not collect duplicate data already collected by the CZSO and, conversely, that the CZSO does not collect the same data as the ministries (in the event of the need to reuse the data already available from surveys of other Authorities of the SSS or from administrative sources both in the CZSO and in other Authorities of the SSS, the data are trasmitted on the basis of mutual agreements).
Characteristics of surveys carried out by other Authorities of the SSS in compliance with the Decree of the CZSO:
- The Ministry of Transport contacts operators of national and international freight and public passenger rail transport, bus transport, road freight transport, inland waterway transport, air transport and urban public transport in order to obtain aggregate data, e.g. on the activities of these operators and their economic results, the composition and number of employees, transport and travel performance, transport capacities of individual modes of transport and their utilisation, the number of passengers, the structure of individual modes of transport, the operating and fleet of vehicles, the total movement of vehicles and their routes, the transport of consignments, goods and passengers by places of loading and unloading, the volume and structure of goods transported. The Ministry carries out the surveys mainly by the census method, whereby, depending on the type of survey, it addresses all the entities carrying out the activity targeted by the survey in general; one statistical survey is carried out by a sample survey method.
- The Ministry of Culture collects data on, for example, the legal form, activities, performance, management and number of employees of theatres, music ensembles, museums, galleries, libraries and other economic entities (engaged in cultural, educational and leisure activities, operating monuments with cultural use, and organising festivals), periodicals, non-periodical publications and their publishers, and public administration bodies related to state heritage protection. The Ministry carries out surveys mainly by the census method, whereby, depending on the type of survey, it addresses all entities carrying out the activity to which the survey is focused; one statistical survey is carried out in the form of the sample survey.
- The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs conducts surveys in two separate areas - labour and social affairs. In the area of labour, it addresses economic entities with at least one employee, regardless of the type of economic activity carried out by the entity, in order to obtain aggregate data on employers and employees, the amount and structure of their earnings, the time worked and time not worked by employees, etc. In the field of social affairs, it collects data on, for example, the provision and use of different types of social services, the extent and intensity of social work, the performance of social protection of children by the competent authorities, employees in social service establishments and their salary structure. In the field of social care, the Ministry carries out all surveys using the census survey method, whereby, depending on the type of survey, it addresses all entities carrying out the activity targeted by the survey across the board; in the field of labour, it carries out one statistical survey using a combined (census and sample survey) method.
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade addresses entities engaged in the production, purchase, sale and distribution of energy, gas, heat and fuels. The surveys are carried out to obtain data on, for example, the operation and equipment of fuel filling stations, including refuelling and charging stations, and the network of such stations, the supply of solid fuels and the extraction of these fuels, the supply of electricity, heat and energy gases and the fuels used to produce them, biofuels and the production of energy from renewable and other sources. It also reaches out to manufacturers and sellers of armaments with 20 or more employees to obtain data on armaments and selected armaments products. The Ministry carries out 5 surveys by the sample survey method, two statistical surveys are carried out by the census method, whereby all entities operating petrol stations, filling and charging stations or fuel dispensing points are contacted across the board.
- The Ministry of Health addresses statistical surveys to providers of inpatient and outpatient health care, spa and rehabilitation care, psychiatric hospitals, pharmacies, regional hygienic stations and other entities engaged in health or social care in order to obtain data on their activities, performance, economic situation and employment. It obtains data by forms and branches of health care, e.g. on the number of treatments/examinations, the number of registered and treated patients, patients with chronic diseases and in dispensary care, data on the sale of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, etc. It also monitors data on the number of employees, the development and structure of employment and the composition of wages/salaries, on the financing of health care covered by public health insurance, on the equipment of health care facilities, on the contracts concluded by health care providers with individual insurance companies, on the use of health care services by foreigners and the costs of their treatment, on the administrative activities authorities in the field of public health protection, etc. The Ministry carries out all surveys using the census survey method, whereby, depending on the type of survey, it addresses all entities carrying out the activity targeted by the survey and meeting the criteria listed in the Decree on the Programme of Statistical Surveys.
- The Ministry of Agriculture addresses entities engaged in crop and livestock production, production of food products and industrial fodder, distilling, forestry and hunting. It carries out surveys to obtain data on, for example, the production, purchase, stocks, sales and prices of poultry, milk, fruit, vegetables and their further processing in the food industry, and monitors data on the production, intake and release of raw and refined fermentation alcohol and fruit distillate, on the production of industrial fodder, on forest management and costs and yields, on game farms, game stock and hunting, and the sources, sales and stocks of cereals and rape, including seed. The Ministry carries out 11 surveys using the census method, whereby, depending on the type of survey, all entities carrying out the activity targeted by the survey are contacted across the board; 5 statistical surveys are carried out in the form of the sample survey.
The number of statistical surveys conducted by other Authorities of the SSS are indicated in Table 2.
Authority of the SSS | Programme of Statistical Surveys in the year | |||||
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | ||
Ministry of Transport | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | |
Ministry of Culture | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | |
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | |
Ministry of Industry and Trade | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | |
Ministry of Health | 13 | 13 | 12 | 12 | 12 | |
Ministry of Agriculture | 14 | 14 | 16 | 16 | 16 | |
Total | 65 | 65 | 66 | 66 | 66 |
The following table provides an overview of the number of statistical surveys by periodicity carried out by other Authorities of the SSS.
Periodicity | Programme of Statistical Surveys in the year | ||||
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | |
Monthly | 7 | 7 | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Quarterly | 7 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 6 |
Half-yearly | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 4 |
Annually | 47 | 47 | 46 | 46 | 47 |
Other (e.g. ad hoc / one-time) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Total | 65 | 65 | 66 | 66 | 66 |
More detailed information on the statistical surveys of the other Authorities of the SSS and the statistical questionnaire templates of the individual statistical surveys listed in the Decree on the Programme of Statistical Surveys (available only in Czech) can be found here:
Ministry of Transport:
Ministry of Culture:
Ministry of Industry and Trade:
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs: (Czech version only)
Ministry of Health:
Ministry of Agriculture: