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Services of the CZSO for the public

The Czech Statistical Office provides information services according to Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service. The CZSO system of providing statistical information corresponds to the principles and requirements stipulated by Act No. 365/2000 Coll. Information services are available both at the Information Services - Headquarters and Regions.

Statistical Information
tel.: 274 056 789
e-mail: infoservis@csu.gov.cz

Statistical information about regions

Central Statistical Library
e-mail: knihovna@csu.gov.cz

European Data (ESDS)
e-mail: esds@csu.gov.cz

Statistical Data for Scientific Research Purposes
e-mail: safecentrum@csu.gov.cz

Selections from Business Register
e-mail: resinfo@csu.gov.cz

Selections from Register of Census Districts and Buildings
e-mail: resinfo@csu.gov.cz

Publication Orders and Subscription
e-mail: objednavky@csu.gov.cz