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Activities of the CZSO

The main mission of the CZSO is to create an objective and comprehensive picture of economic, social, demographic, and environmental development in the Czech Republic and its individual parts. The CZSO provides comprehensive statistical data for the needs of state and public administration, local government, business sector, international institutions, research organizations etc. For these purposes, the CZSO continuously develops and applies statistical methods and tools for monitoring existing and new phenomena and processes in society, including their mutual relationships. An important task of the CZSO is to ensure substantive, methodological, and temporal comparability of statistical data both on a national and international scale. Within the Czech Republic, the CZSO coordinates the State Statistical Service and, if necessary, draws up methodological guidelines for the authorities that perform it. It fully ensures the protection of confidentiality of individual data obtained from its statistical surveys, from surveys carried out by other institutions or departments of the State Statistical Service, and from administrative and other data sources. It collects statistical data exclusively for statistical purposes. The CZSO also performs state administration in the area of processing the results of elections to councils of territorial self-governing units and the Parliament of the Czech Republic, elections to the European Parliament held in the territory of the Czech Republic, the election of the President of the Republic, and processing results of the national referendum to the extent provided for by special legal regulations.
