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Construction - January 2024

Civil engineering softened output decrease

Publication Date: 15. 03. 2024

Product Code: 200035-24

The construction output decreased by 5.9%, year-on-year (y-o-y), in January. In the month-on-month (m-o-m) comparison, it was by 1.0% higher. The approximate value of permitted constructions decreased by 12.0%. The number of started dwellings increased by 29.9%, y-o-y; the number of completed dwellings decreased by 27.9%, y-o-y.

Construction output increased by 1.0%, month-on-month, in January 2024. “In January, construction output had a higher basis to compare with and it decreased by 5.9%, year-on-year. The decrease was softened by civil engineering, which recorded a year-on-year growth by 1.4%, whereas building construction output decreased by 8.3%,” Petra Cuřínová, Head of the Construction Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO), says.

The approximate value of constructions for which a building permit was granted in January reached CZK 40.3 billion and it decreased by 12.0%, y-o-y. “The January decrease in the approximate value of permitted constructions was due to construction of non-residential buildings and transport infrastructure,” Radek Matějka, Director of the Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction, and Energy Statistics Department of the CZSO, explains.

In January 2024, construction of 3 498 dwellings started; the number of dwellings started increased by 29.9% thanks to the category of residential buildings (multi-dwelling buildings). The number of completed dwellings was 2 147, which was a y-o-y decrease by 27.9% across all categories.

According to Eurostat, construction output in the EU27 in December 2023 increased by 2.4%, year-on-year. According to a preliminary release calendar, Eurostat will release data for January 2024 on 20 March 2024.



Concurrently with publishing the results for January 2024, the base period for short-term statistics changed.
Indices are newly compared to the average of the year 2021 (it was 2015 before); new weighting schemes have been used that were derived from the results of structural business statistics for the year 2021. For conversion to constant prices, new price indices have been used (also based on the year 2021). For seasonal adjustment, new models in the JDEMETRA+ programme were created. In compliance with the CZSO Data revision policy, concurrently with processing of data for January 2024, data for January through December 2023 have been revised.
In order to enhance quality and coherence of data outputs, presentation of data on the development of the number of employees and their wages changed. These data will not be regularly released with monthly periodicity starting from January 2024. For analytical purposes, they will be available until 31 December 2024. For data on employment and wages see the quarterly news release of the CZSO called Average wages.
The year-on-year development of construction output (production) has been adjusted for the influence of the number of working days. Month-on-month rates have also been seasonally adjusted.


Responsible head at the CZSO: Radek Matějka, Director of the Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction, and Energy Statistics Department, phone number: (+420) 736 168 543,
Contact person: Petra Cuřínová, Head of the Construction Statistics Unit, phone number: (+420) 737 280 494e- mail:
Method of data acquisition: direct surveys of the CZSO (Stav 1-12 and Stav 2-12)
End of data collection: 4 March 2024
Related outputs:
international comparison in EU countries: Eurostat
Next news release will be published on: 8 April 2024
