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Construction - November 2010

More completed dwellings and less started ones

Publication Date: 07. 01. 2011

Product Code: r-8202-10

In November 2010 the seasonally adjusted construction output increased by 0.6%, month-on-month (m-o-m), and decreased by 0.1%, in the year-on-year (y-o-y) comparison. The planning and building control authorities granted by 2.4% less building permits, y-o-y, and the approximate value of permitted constructions fell by 13.7%, y-o-y. The number of started dwellings was lower by 27.6%, y-o-y, and the number of completed dwellings was up by 24.4%, y-o-y.

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In November 2010 the construction output decreased by 0.1% at constant prices, y-o-y; when working days adjusted the construction output dropped by 1.3%. November 2010, compared to the same month of the previous year, was by one working day longer. The seasonally adjusted construction output was by 0.6% higher, month-on-month in November 2010. The building construction output rose by 2.8% (contribution +1.8 percentage point (p.p.)) and the civil engineering output decreased by 5.2% (contribution -1.9 p.p.). The construction output decline was mitigated by positive effects of, first of all, the Green Savings programme and the massive completion of photovoltaic power stations and farms as well.

The average registered number of employees (excluding agency workers*) in construction enterprises with 50+ employees rose by 0.7%, y-o-y in November 2010. Their average monthly nominal wage grew by 3.5%, y-o-y and reached CZK 33 180.

In November 2010 the number of building permits granted was down by 2.4%, y-o-y; the planning and building control authorities granted 8 635 building permits; 4 993 building permits for new constructions (contribution +1.7 p.p., growth by 3.2%), and 3 642 building permits for modifications to completed constructions (contribution -4.1 p.p., drop by 9.1%).

The approximate value of constructions permitted in November 2010 accounted for CZK 25.9 billion and dropped by 13.7% compared to the same period in 2009. New constructions registered a decrease in the approximate value of permitted constructions to CZK 18.1 billion (contribution -11.1 p.p., decline by 15.6%). Implementation of modifications to already completed structures should give birth to structures of the value of CZK 7.8 billion (contribution -2.6 p.p., decrease by 8.9%).

The number of dwellings started in November 2010 dropped by 27.6%, y-o-y and attained the number of 1 973 dwellings. The number of dwellings started in family houses decreased by 3.1%, y-o-y (contribution -1.4 p.p.). The number of dwellings started in multi-dwelling buildings plummeted by 56.3% (contribution -18.5 p.p.).

The number of completed dwellings rose by 24.4%, y-o-y in November 2010 and reached 4 434 dwellings. The number of completed dwellings in family houses increased by 28.3% (contribution +17.7 p.p.), and the number of completed dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings grew by 2.3% (contribution +0.6 p.p.).

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According to Eurostat the WDA (working days adjusted) construction output in the EU 27 decreased by 1.9%, y-o-y in October 2010. Building construction shrank by 1.3% and civil engineering dropped by 4.9%. Eurostat shall release the data for November 2010 on 19 January 2011 (at 11:00 a.m.).

Methodological Note:
Contact person:
Petra Cuřínová, phone: (+420) 274054199, e-mail:
Data source: direct surveys of the CZSO
End of data collection: 3 January 2011
End of data processing: 5 January 2011

* The registered number of employees indicator does not include: persons working under various contracts for work, working owners of enterprises and cooperating household members, who do not have contract of employment. Data on the registered number of employees in construction also exclude agency workers, who have contract of employment, however, in other activity than construction.
