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Short-term statistics - Construction – Methodology

I. Basic determination of CZ-NACE activities classified to construction (changes against the former CZ-NACE)

Within the CZ-NACE classification, activities under the sections F (41 “Construction of buildings”, 42 “Civil engineering” and 43 “Specialised construction activities”) are considered to be construction activities.

II. Source of data

Key indicator calculations of short-term statistics are based on data from monthly statistical form Stav 1-12. Quarterly labour indicators (numbers of employees/persons employed, average wages) are made based on the quarterly survey “Práce 2-04” and using administrative data sources.

Examples of statistical forms are available at (Czech only).

III. Population and sample selection

Reporting units are taken from the Business Register on the basis of their principal economic activity. The sample consists of the sample part and exhaustive part. In general, the contents and purpose of statistical surveys, set of reporting units, type of statistical survey, periodicity and delay before dissemination are set out in Decree No. 398/2008 Sb., on Statistical Survey Programme for a given calendar year.

IV. Key indicators published and basic concepts

The construction production index is a basic indicator of business statistics of construction. Its calculation is based on the development in the general construction work converted into fixed prices. The index is primarily calculated as a month base index, at present related to the average month of 2021. The base indexes serve as a basis for annual indices and potential cumulation over time (quarterly, half-year, annual). It is published for the whole population of enterprises with construction as principal activity.

Construction enterprise is an enterprise whose principal activity is classified as construction. Construction enterprises by size.

Construction output refers to construction work performed by enterprises whose principal activity is classified as construction.

Construction work is work on construction, reconstruction, extension, modernisation, repair and maintenance of permanent or temporary buildings and civil engineering works. It includes construction of building structures and value of material inputs.

Construction work carried out by companies' own workers represents the volume of construction work done by the unit’s registered workers, including productive work of apprentices and volume of construction work on own tangible fixed assets.

Construction work under contracts in total refers to total value of the reporting unit’s own construction activity (incl. material inputs) performed based on a contract of delivery for final user (builder), including the value of subcontracted construction work, if any, received from other subcontractors to meet the contract of delivery for the final user. (Excluded is subcontracted construction work carried out by the reporting unit for other contractors or construction work for other kind of activity unit within the same reporting unit). The volume of work actually carried out is given in invoiced values (the value of work performed but not yet charged is estimated), excl. VAT. Construction work is split into domestic and non-domestic (carried out abroad).

Construction orders are the volume of construction work to be carried out under contracts. It is work confirmed to the reporting unit by contracts with customers (incl. supplementary orders, etc.), irrespective of the commencement and period of work. They are recorded at ruling prices at the time of receipt of order, excl. VAT. Construction orders indicate demand for building materials and workforce during coming months.

- Stock of orders at quarter-end gives the value of received (and confirmed by the customer) not yet started orders on the one hand; on the other hand – for orders in progress – the value of work to be completed. This implies that construction work on orders not yet started is recorded in full value, whereas work on orders in progress in the remaining value (in the value of work to be completed). Excluded are orders already completed, even though not yet taken over and invoiced.
- Order increase is newly received and confirmed orders in the reference quarter, including confirmed supplementary orders relating to former orders. Also included are “short-term” orders, i.e. orders received and fully implemented in the reference quarter.

Types of constructions:

- Residential buildings this category includes family houses and multi-dwelling buildings (buildings intended primarily for housing);

- Non-residential buildings not designed for production – all non-residential buildings not designed for production, i.e. hospital or institutional care buildings, education buildings, office buildings (incl. office buildings for production, agricultural, trading or other enterprises), public entertainment buildings, hotels, etc.;

- Non-residential buildings designed for production – all non-residential buildings designed for production (for agriculture, industry, wholesale and retail trade, transport and communication, etc.);

- Civil engineering works – e.g. bridges, highways, streets and roads, railways, tunnels and subways, pipelines, communication and electricity lines;

- Water management works – land reclamation, dams and reservoirs on watercourses, channelisation.

Building permit
shall mean the total number of building permits, building notifications, constructions permitted on the basis of a public agreement, and constructions permitted in a shortened procedure by an authorised building inspector, which were, in terms of the Building Act granted and registered by the planning and building control authorities in charge.

Approximate value of constructions includes the total costs including technology costs (at current prices) of preparation, construction and putting into operation.

New construction is quite a new building (new civil engineering work) irrespective of the type of building and technical project, purpose and duration of construction.

Renewals and enhancements include:

- top extensions;

- side extensions;

- built-in extensions.

Building is a usually roofed and walled structure.

Dwelling is a room or set of rooms designed for housing according to a decision of the planning and building control authority; they may serve the purpose of housing as independent dwelling units.  

Dwellings started
– dwellings in buildings whose construction was permitted, irrespective of whether or not these dwellings were completed in the reference period.

Dwellings completed are dwellings, for which the planning building control authorities granted an approval pursuant to the Construction Act, as amended.

Floor area of rooms and spaces is inner floor surface between walls in plan view.
Removal of constructions is carried out in accordance with S. 129 of Act No. 183/2006 Sb. (the Building Act).

V. Retroactive corrections, revisions

Data revisions and retroactive corrections are governed by the revision calendar, which results from the CZSO revision policy. In the case of short-term monthly statistics, revisions are made as a standard together with the data processing for the first month after the calendar quarter is finished. Should serious input data corrections be made, which have a significant impact on the results published, extraordinary revisions outside the revision calendar are permissible.

VI. Comparability

The results of monthly surveys may differ from the results of quarterly or annual surveys.

Short-term statistics in the European Union are provided for by Regulation (EC) No. 1158/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2005 amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics and the Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics. The introduction of the new classification of economic activities, including impacts on short-term statistics, is provided for by Regulation (EC) No. 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 establishing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2 and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3037/90 as well as certain EC Regulations on specific statistical domains. All the published short-term indicators comply with the above regulations.

VII. Seasonal adjustment

The TRAMO / SEATS method implemented in program NbDemetra 2.2.2 is used for seasonal adjustment. This method belongs to the methods preferred by Eurostat for the purposes of seasonal adjustment of series of economic indicators. Indirect method is based on summing the seasonally adjusted source data, applying the adjustment on aggregates of construction production index of the lowest level only.

VIII. Types of data publication

The results of the monthly survey are published:

1) in news releases Industry, construction – on a monthly basis,

2) in series on the website of the Czech Statistical Office – Time series

3) transmitted to Eurostat – Short-term business statistics

4) in documents available on the web

IX. Additional methodological information and external links

Eurostat: Data series metadata according to the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1165/98:

Production in construction (B110 serie)

Buildings permits (B411 and 412 series)

Labour in construction (B210, B220 and B230 series)

Eurostat: EU short-term statistics legistlation

Eurostat: EU short-term statistics methodology and manuals

Contact: Petra Cuřínová, phone (+420)274054199, E-mail: