Construction - January 2011
Construction output fell month-on-month
Publication Date: 11. 03. 2011
Product Code: r-8202-11
In January 2011 the construction output increased by 8.3%, year-on-year (y-o-y). When seasonally adjusted the construction output was down by 0.9%, month-on-month (m-o-m). The planning and building control authorities granted by 9.6% less building permits, y-o-y, and the approximate value of permitted constructions fell by 17.6%, y-o-y. The number of started dwellings was higher by 7.0%, y-o-y, and the number of completed dwellings dropped by 34.4%, y-o-y.
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In January 2011 the construction output increased by 8.3% at constant prices, y-o-y; when working days adjusted, the construction output rose by 6.9%. January 2011, compared to the same month of the previous year, was by one working day longer. Because of the low comparison base, the building construction output increased by 8.7% (contribution +6.4 percentage points (p.p.)) and the civil engineering construction output grew by 7.0% (contribution +1.9 p.p.). The seasonally adjusted construction output was by 0.9% lower, m-o-m, in January 2011. Even relatively favourable weather compared to January 2010 (average temperature higher by 3.8 °C and significantly smaller snow cover) did not help construction to achieve better results. The construction output index in January 2011 was at about the level of 2004 and was by almost 20% lower compared to that of January 2009.
The average registered number of employees*) in construction enterprises with 50+ employees fell by 1.8%, y-o-y, in January 2011. Their average monthly nominal wage increased by 2.4%, y-o-y, and reached CZK 25 026.
In January 2011 the number of building permits granted was down by 9.6%, y-o-y; the planning and building control authorities granted 6 369 building permits. The approximate value of the permitted constructions attained CZK 23.6 billion and dropped by 17.6% compared to the same period of 2010. The value of constructions with granted building permits was reduced namely by a drop in interest in the photovoltaic power station construction and also in the construction of other non-residential buildings. On the contrary, growth was recorded in the approximate value of residential buildings and also of other structures, which means mostly structures of transport infrastructure.
The number of dwellings started in January 2011 grew by 7.0%, y-o-y, and attained the number of 2 220 dwellings. The number of dwellings started in family houses soared by 37.1%, y-o-y. This growth was affected by unusually low comparison base of January 2010 when the number of dwellings started in family houses dropped by over 40%, y-o-y. The number of dwellings started in multi-dwelling buildings fell by 24.6%.
The number of completed dwellings declined by 34.4%, y-o-y, in January 2011 and was 2 026 dwellings. The number of completed dwellings in family houses decreased by 12.8% and the number of completed dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings plummeted by 73.5%.
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According to Eurostat the WDA (working days adjusted) construction output in the EU27 decreased by 8.0%, y-o-y, in December 2010. Building construction shrank by 6.3% and civil engineering construction dropped by 17.3%. Eurostat shall release the data for January 2011 on 17 March 2011 (at 11:00 a.m.).
Methodological Note:
Responsible head: Radek Matějka, phone: (+420) 274052894, e- mail:
Contact person: Petra Cuřínová, phone: (+420) 274054199, e-mail:
Method of data acquisition: direct surveys Stav 1-12 and Stav 2-12 of the CZSO
End of data collection: 7 March 2011
Specific methodological notes: *The registered number of employees indicator does not include: persons working under various contracts for work, working owners of enterprises and cooperating household members, who do not have contract of employment. Data on the registered number of employees in construction also exclude agency workers, who have contract of employment, however, in other activity than construction.
Following publications: time series in Construction /produkty/sta_ts , Housing construction, Building permits, and Construction orders /produkty/bvz_ts
Date of the next News Release publication: 6 April 2011