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Retail Trade - May 2013

Retail sales growth continued

Publication Date: 04. 07. 2013

Product Code: r-9101-13

In May, sales in retail trade including the automotive segment after seasonal adjustment increased by 1.7% at constant prices, month-on-month. Working days adjusted sales increased by 1 . 2%, y-o-y, the same as non-adjusted. Growth was recorded in both sale in the automotive segment and retail trade.

Seasonally adjusted sales in retail trade including sale and repair of motor vehicles increased in May at constant prices by 1.7%, month-on-month. Year-on-year, working days adjusted sales increased by 1.2%; the same growth was recorded for non-adjusted sales. The growth of sales was influenced (at the same number of working days this year and last year) more by the automotive segment than the retail trade alone (see Table 2).

Seasonally adjusted sales for sale and repair of motor vehicles (CZ-NACE 45) increased by 1.0% at constant prices, m-o-m. Year-on-year, working days adjusted sales as well as non-adjusted increased by 3.8%. Year-on-year non-adjusted sales for sale of motor vehicles (including spare parts) increased by 4.0% and for repair by 3.0%.

In retail trade including sale of automotive fuel (CZ-NACE 47) seasonally adjusted sales at constant prices increased by 2.3%, m-o-m; working days adjusted sales increased by 0.2%, y-o-y, the same as non-adjusted. Year-on-year non-adjusted sales for sale of non-food goods increased by 1.4%, while for automotive fuel and food dropped (-2.9% and -0.3%, respectively).

The fastest growing was retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet (+22.7%). The overall increase of sales was contributed to also by retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores (+7.1%), information and communication equipment in specialised stores (+6.6%), retail sale of clothing and footwear in specialised stores (+6.0%), and food in non-specialised stores (+0.2%). On the contrary, sale drop continued in retail sale of food in specialised stores (-6.7%), sale of dispensing chemist, medical and orthopaedic goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in specialised stores (-3.6%), and retail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores (-2.6%).

The price deflator (CZ-NACE 47) related to the corresponding period of the previous year (VAT excluded) was 99.1%. The highest y-o-y growth of prices was recorded for food and dispensing chemist, medical and orthopaedic goods, cosmetic and toilet articles, while in most of non-food goods decreasing of prices continued, which was the most marked in the assortment of information and communication equipment.

International comparison of retail sales development in the EU Member States is available at: (

Data for May 2013 are preliminary; final data for all months of 2013 will be available in June 2014 at the latest. Time series of fixed-base indices since January 2012 have been revised.
Responsible head at the CZSO: Marie Boušková, phone number (+420) 274 052 935, e-mail:
Contact person: Marcela Mašátová, phone number (+420) 274 052 681, e-mail:
Method of data acquisition: direct survey of the CZSO (SP1-12)
End of data collection: 26 June 2013
End of data processing: 1July 2013
Related outputs: Base and y-o-y indices since 2000 and 2001 are available in time series ( /sales_indices_monthly_retail_trade_hotels_and_restaurants_time_series )
Next News Release will be published on: 5 August 2013
