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Retail Trade - February 2011

Growth of sales in retail trade continued

Publication Date: 04. 04. 2011

Product Code: r-9101-11

In February, sales in retail trade including sale and repair of motor vehicles after seasonal, calendar and working day adjustment increased at constant prices by 0.8%, month-on-month. Only working days adjusted (WDA) and calendar days adjusted sales increased by 6.5%, year-on-year, the same as without adjustment. The y-o-y increase of sales was influenced mainly by sale of motor vehicles and non-food goods.

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After seasonal adjustment sales in retail trade including sale and repair of motor vehicles increased in February by 0.8%, at constant prices, m-o-m; only working and calendar days adjusted increased by 6.5%, year-on-year; non-adjusted sales recorded the same growth. The total y-o-y increment of sales was the most contributed to (with the same number of working days in 2011 and 2010) by sales of sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles (+4.7 p.p.) and non-food goods (+1.4 p.p.), see Table 2.

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Seasonally adjusted sales in sale and repair of motor vehicles (CZ-NACE 45) increased by 1.8% at constant prices, m-o-m, and in the year-on-year comparison, adjusted for working days, they increased by 16.0%, the same as non-adjusted. Fast y-o-y growth of sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles (including spare parts) continued (+18.1%); it was influenced by the low comparison basis. Sales for sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles exceeded by 3.7% the level of sales from February 2008. Sales for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles increased by 2.0%.

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In retail sale including sale of automotive fuel (CZ-NACE 47) seasonally adjusted sales at constant prices increased by 0.4%, m-o-m; WDA increased by 2.4%, y-o-y, the same as non-adjusted sales. Non-adjusted sales for sale of non-food goods increased by 4.1%, y-o-y, for sale of food by 1.4%, while for sale of automotive fuel they dropped by 0.8%, y-o-y.

Sales for retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet were growing the fastest (+20.9%). The following also contributed to the overall growth: retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather goods in specialised stores (growth by 7.0%), retail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores (+5.2%), retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores (+4.8%), retail sale of other household equipment (+3.7%), dispensing chemist, medical and orthopaedic goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in specialised stores (+1.6%), and retail sale of second-hand goods in stores (+1.2%). Sales in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating increased by 1.9%; of that, enterprises with 100+ employees (to which also big retail chains belong) recorded a sales increase by 2.8%. Besides retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores, sales dropped also in retail sale via stalls and markets (-13.8%), in retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores (-4.7%), in other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets (-2.9%), and in other retail sale in non-specialised stores (-1.2%).

The price deflator related to the corresponding period of the previous year was 101.4%. Continuing significant price increase was recorded in retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores (+11.7%), markedly smaller increase was reported for prices of goods sold in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating (+2.1%), and dispensing chemist and medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores (+0.3%). The biggest price drops were reported for prices of information and communication equipment in specialised stores (-8.0%), and clothing, footwear and leather goods in specialised stores (-3.8%).

International comparison of retail sales development in the EU Member States is available at: (

Methodological note:
Responsible head: Marie Boušková, phone (+420) 274052935, e-mail:
Contact person: Marcela Mašátová, phone (+420) 274052681, e-mail:
Method of data acquisition: direct surveys of the CZSO (SP1-12)
End of data collection: 25 March 2011
End of data processing: 30 March 2011
Data for January 2011 have been revised in harmony with the revision policy of the CZSO; data for February 2011 are preliminary; final data for all months of 2011 will be available in June 2012 at the latest.
Related publications: Base and y-o-y indices from 2000 and 2001 are available in time series
( /sales_indices_monthly_retail_trade_hotels_and_restaurants_time_series ).
Next News Release will be published on 6 May 2011.
