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Retail Trade - June 2010

Considerable increase in sale of motor vehicles also in June

Publication Date: 06. 08. 2010

Product Code: r-9101-10

In June, seasonally adjusted (SA) sales in retail trade including automotive segment increased month-on-month by 3.1% at constant prices and by 5.2% in the year-on-year comparison. The y-o-y growth of seasonally non-adjusted sales by 6.6% was influenced mainly by a considerable increase of sale of motor vehicles; sale of non-food goods was the highest since March 2009.

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With seasonal, calendar and working day adjustment sales in retail trade including automotive segment increased in June by 3.1%, at constant prices, m-o-m, and by 5.2% in the year-on-year comparison. Year-on-year growth of non-adjusted sales by 6.6% in total was owed (with the same number of working days both this year and last year) mainly to sale and repair of motor vehicles, contribution of which to the growth was 5.6 p.p. (see Table 2).

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Seasonally adjusted sales in sale and repair of motor vehicles (CZ-NACE 45) increased by 6.7% at constant prices, m-o-m, and in the year-on-year comparison by 17.0%. Seasonally non-adjusted sales increased, y-o-y, by 18.7%, of which the sale of motor vehicles increased by 22.1% and maintenance and repair of motor vehicles decreased by 0.5%. Sale of motor vehicles was increasing already for several months; one of the reasons having influence mainly on the business sphere may have been the coming end (June 2010) of accelerated depreciation of tangible assets. The evidence of that are also high increases in registrations of new personal cars (+13.8%), however, mainly of lorries (+34.2%) and buses (+46.8%).

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In retail sale including sale of automotive fuel (CZ-NACE 47) seasonally adjusted sales increased, m-o-m, by 1.6% at constant prices, and by 0.6% in the year-on-year comparison. Seasonally non-adjusted sales increased by 1.4%, y-o-y, which was the most since December 2008. Sales of non-food goods increased by 2.2% (the most since March 2009) and retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco by 1.4%; however, retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores dropped by 1.2%.

The biggest contribution to the increase of sales in retail trade in total was owed to retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating (+0.7 p.p.). The fastest growth of sales was in retail sale of clothing in specialized stores and retail sale of footwear and leather goods in specialized stores (+10.0%), retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet (+7.6%) and retail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores (+7.1%). Successful was also retail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores (+2.4%) and retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores (+2.1%). On the other hand, sales dropped mainly in other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets (-6.6%), retail sale of second-hand goods in stores (-6.5%), retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores (-5.9%), and pharmaceutical and medical goods in specialized stores (-4.4%).

The price deflator related to the corresponding period of the previous year was 100.4%. A marked price increase was recorded in the sale of fuel (+15.2%), markedly smaller increase was reported for prices of pharmaceutical and medical goods (+1.3%). By contrast, the biggest price drops were reported for prices of information and communication equipment (-8.3%), and second-hand goods (-5.3%).

In June, according to data released by Eurostat, SA retail sales (CZ-NACE 47) in the EU27 increased month-on-month by 0.1% at constant prices and, working day adjusted sales increased by 0.5%, year-on-year. The biggest growth of sales was reported for Romania (+4.3%), Belgium (+4.1%) and Finland (+3.0%), the deepest fall was recorded in Lithuania (-8.7%), Bulgaria (-6.8%) and Estonia (-4.1%).

Methodological note:
Contact: Alena Hellerová, phone (+420) 274052921, e-m ail:
Data source: CZSO direct survey in enterprises
End of data collection: 29 July 2010
End of data processing: 3 August 2010
Data for June 2010 are preliminary; final data for all months of 2010 will be available in June 2011 at the latest. Base and y-o-y indices from 2000 and 2001 are available in time series
( /sales_indices_monthly_retail_trade_hotels_and_restaurants_time_series ).
