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Agriculture - 4th quarter and year 2011

Decline in meat production, increase in producer prices of animals for slaughter and milk

Publication Date: 30. 01. 2012

Product Code: r-2101-11

In the 4 th quarter of 2011, meat production amounted to 128 116 tonnes. It decreased by 7.8%, of which by 6.0% in poultry, by 8.6% in pig meat, and by 8.7% in beef. Milk delivery rose by 5.0% to 569 860 thousand litres.
Year 2011 was characterised by decline in meat production (-6.2%), increased milk delivery (+2.3%) and by growth in agricultural prices of cattle for slaughter (+4.8%), pigs (+3.8%), poultry (+8.5%) and milk (+12.7%).

Slaughtering and meat production

In the 4 th quarter of 2011, the number of slaughtered cattle decreased by 7.6%, y-o-y (to 64 492 heads), of which, in crucial categories, by -17.0% in bulls and by negligible +0.4% in both cows and heifers. Total beef and veal production amounted to 18 664 tonnes. It went down by 8.7%, y-o-y; compared with the previous quarter it went up by 7.6%.
The number of slaughtered pigs was 746 466 heads, i.e. by -7.6% y-o-y, of which by -30.5% in sows and by -7.1% in fattened pigs. A reduction of sow slaughtering corresponds to decreased culling rate in sows. Pig meat production fell by 8.6% to 65 574 tonnes.
Poultry meat production was by 6.0% lower than in the same period of the previous year. It amounted to 43 817 tonnes.

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs, and chicken for slaughter

In the 4 th quarter of 2011, agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter increased y-o-y in all categories: in cows by 9.0%, in calves by 7.7%, in heifers by 6.4%, and in bulls by 5.8%. The average price of bulls for slaughter in S, E and U quality classes was CZK 42.83 per kg of live weight or CZK 78.38 per kg of carcass weight.
Agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter rose by 10.9%, y-o-y. Producers sold pigs for slaughter in S, E and U quality classes for CZK 30.44 per kg of live weight or for CZK 38.92 per kg of carcass weight in average.
Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter increased by 8.1%, y-o-y. The average price of chicken for slaughter in 1 st-quality class was CZK 22.50 per kg of live weight.

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk
In the 4 th quarter of 2011, dairies collected 569 860 thousand litres of milk from domestic producers, i.e. by 5.0% more than in the same period of 2010.
Agricultural producer prices of milk of the Q-quality rose by 7.4%. Producers sold milk for the average price CZK 8.40 per litre.

2011 – Meat production, agricultural producer prices, milk delivery, and foreign trade

In 2011, meat production amounted to 505 397 tonnes, which was by 6.2% less than in 2010. This amount included 71 616 tonnes of beef, 509 tonnes of veal, 262 944 tonnes of pig meat, 159 tonnes of sheep meat (of which 122 tonnes of lamb), 4 tonnes of goat meat, 81 tonnes of horse meat, and 170 084 tonnes of poultry meat.

Beef and veal production reached 72 125 tonnes, i.e. by 2.9% decreased. There were recorded declines by 4.3% and 0.8% in two significant categories: bulls and cows, respectively. Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter rose in 2011 in all categories: by 4.8% in both, bulls and cows, by 4.2% in calves, and by 3.6% in heifers. Agricultural producers sold bulls for slaughter in the S, E and U-quality classes for the average price CZK 42.09 per kg of live weight or for CZK 78.46 per kg of carcass weight (minimum CZK 77.06 per kg in July, maximum CZK 80.41 per kg in April).
According to provisional results, external trade 1) in live bovine animals reached a positive balance (50 036 tonnes) in the period of December 2010 to November 2011. Import amounted to 622 tonnes (+30.3%) and export 50 658 tonnes (+5.8%). Animals for slaughter counted for 92% of the total import and for 58% of the total export. Live cattle was imported predominantly from Slovakia (79%) and the Netherlands (12%) and exported to Austria (49%), Croatia (11%) and to Germany (10%).
Import 1) of beef exceeded export 1) by 13 656 tonnes (of which import counted to 21 879 tonnes and export 8 223 tonnes). Import remained on the level of 2010 (just -0.1%), whereas export increased by 37.4%. Beef was imported from Poland (31%), Germany (17%), Austria (15%), and Ireland (11%); it was exported to Slovakia (31%), Germany (19%), Poland (14%), Austria (10%), but also to extra-EU, mostly to Turkey (12%).

Pig meat production decreased by 4.7% to 262 944 tonnes in 2011. This corresponded to the decline in the most significant category – fattened pigs. Meat production originated in sow slaughtering was changing during 2011. It fell from 23.2 thousand sows slaughtered in the first quarter to 13.6 thousand in the fourth quarter.
Agricultural producer prices in pigs for slaughter increased by 3.8%. Farmers sold pigs for slaughter in S, E and U-quality classes for the average price of CZK 28.66 per kg of live weight or for CZK 36.84 per kg of carcass weight (minimum CZK 33.60 per kg in February, maximum CZK 40.22 per kg in December).
A deficit of external trade 1) in live pigs was 2 479 tonnes in the period from December 2010 to November 2011; import amounted to 21 082 tonnes (-7.8%), export 18 603 tonnes (+11.7%). Animals for slaughter counted for 41% of the total import and for 87% of the total export. The significant category of import (51%) was young pigs up to 50 kg; 430 thousand pigs in the average weight of 25 kg were imported. Live pigs came from Denmark (44%), Germany (25%) and from the Netherlands (20%) and went to Hungary (43%) and Slovakia (41%).
A negative balance of external trade 1) in pig meat (-171 182 tonnes) comprised 209 877 tonnes imported and 38 695 tonnes exported pig meat. Both import and export rose, by 8.0% and 9.5%, respectively. Most of pig meat was imported from Germany (48%); other countries shared total import less than 10% for each one. Export primarily went to Slovakia (85%).

Poultry production in 2011 decreased in all quarters compared to 2010 and went down by 9.6% in average. Total production amounted to 170 084 tonnes of poultry meat.
Agricultural producer prices in chicken for slaughter rose by 8.5% in 2011. Farmers sold fattened chicken of 1 st-quality class for the average price CZK 22.11 per kg of live weight (minimum in January CZK 20.72 per kg, maximum in November CZK 22.62 per kg).
External trade 1) in live poultry reached a positive balance (35 834 tonnes) in the period from December 2010 to November 2011; 5 339 tonnes were imported (-9.5%) and 41 174 tonnes were exported (+20.6%). Chicken for slaughter counted for 84% of import and 68% of export. Live poultry came mainly from Slovakia (75%) and Germany (22%) and went to Germany (42%), Poland (29%), and Slovakia (25%).
External trade 1) balance in poultry meat was negative (-65 323 tonnes). Import and export amounted to 90 842 tonnes (+17.0%) and 25 519 tonnes (+0.2%), respectively. Poultry was imported from Poland (38%) and Brazil (18%); other countries shared total import less than 10% for each one. Export was directed to Slovakia (55%) and the Netherlands (17%).

In 2011, dairies collected 2 303.9 million litres of milk (+2.3%).
Agricultural producer prices went up by 12.7%. The average price of milk of Q-quality class was CZK 8.27 per litre (minimum CZK 8.11 per litre in January, maximum CZK 8.46 per litre in December).
Export 1) in milk and milk products exceeded import 1) by 579 053 tonnes in period from December 2010 to November 2011; 246 611 tonnes were imported and 825 664 tonnes of milk and milk products were exported. Import of milk stayed on the same level as in 2010 (0.0%), export rose by 8.4%. Trade in fermented and acidified products did not change distinctly; import increased by 4.1%, export by 0.4%. Import in cheese and curd rose by 1.6%, export by 11.5%. Import in butter decreased by 0.8%, whereas export plummeted by 43.0%. Milk and milk products were imported from Germany (37%), Slovakia (24%) and Poland (23%); they were exported to Germany (55%) and Slovakia (15%).
1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 8 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.

Contact person: Jiří Hrbek, phone 27405 2331, e -mail:
Source: Livestock Slaughtering (Czech Statistical Office), Agricultural Producer Price Indices (Czech Statistical Office), External Trade Database (Czech Statistical Office), data on milk collection and poultry purchase (Ministry of Agriculture)
Date of completing data collection: January 10, 2012
Date of completing data processing: January 27, 2012
Published data are final, except external trade data.
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Next News Releases: April30, 2012

This press release was not edited for language.
