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Animal Production - 4th quarter and year 2023

Decline in meat production halted

Publication Date: 08. 02. 2024

Product Code: 270149-23

In total 112 709 tonnes of meat were produced at slaughterhouses in Q4 2023; i.e. by 0.4% more, year-on-year. Beef production rose by 4.5%, while pigmeat production went down by 0.6% and poultrymeat production negligibly declined as well (0.2%). Direct purchases of milk from producers rose by 1.7%, y-o-y.

“Meat production is usually at its seasonal peak in Q4; in Q4 2023, it increased also year-on-year for the first time in two years. Beef production contributed to this result the most, while poultrymeat and pigmeat production was slightly down, year-on-year," Markéta Fiedlerová from the Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office, said.

Meat production and milk collection
In total 62.7 thous. head of cattle were slaughtered at slaughterhouses in Q4 2023. Slaughtering of cows rose (+10.7%) but slaughtering of bulls slightly decreased (1.3%). Beef production reached 19 003 tonnes (+4.5%). Pigmeat production was 51 589 tonnes, i.e. by 0.6% less, y-o-y, despite that the number of slaughtered pigs was negligibly higher (560.2 thous. head; +0.1%). Poultry slaughterhouses slaughtered 64 704 tonnes of poultry, which amount corresponds to 42 080 (0.2%) tonnes of poultrymeat produced. In total 765 909 thous. litres of milk (+1.7%) were purchased from domestic producers in Q4 2023.

In total 435 908 tonnes of meat were produced during the entire year 2023. The overall decline by 2.6% was due to lower production of pigmeat (197 859 tonnes; 5.2%) and poultrymeat (167 687 tonnes; 1.3%), while beef production slightly increased (70 230 tonnes; +2.4%). Direct purchases of milk went up as well, y-o-y. In total 3 138 million litres (+1.6%) were collected from agricultural holdings.

"Although the last quarter's meat production shows a halt to a two-year decline, the annual value is at its minimum. Since 2000, pigmeat production has dropped by one half, beef production by one third, and poultrymeat production by 15%," Renata Vodičková, head of the Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit of the CZSO, summarised the long-term trend.

Agricultural producer prices
Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter slightly dropped, y-o-y, by 3.1%. Farmers received on average 57.17 CZK per kg in live weight or 104.04 CZK per kg in carcass weight.

Prices of pigs for slaughter continued to stay above the level of Q4 2022 (+8.6%). The average price reached 40.93 CZK per kg in live weight or 53.20 CZK per kg in carcass weight; i.e. by 3.47 CZK per kg in carcass weight less than in Q3 2023.

The prices of chicken for slaughter were by 5.5% lower, y-o-y. Chicken for slaughter of the first quality class were sold on average for 28.51 CZK per kg in live weight.

Agricultural producer prices of milk were, due to high comparison basis in Q4 2022, by 18.7% lower, y-o-y. The average price of Q-quality milk reached 10.27 CZK per litre.


More detailed information on meat production in 2023 can be found in the supplementary information to the News Release on Animal production.

Published data are final.

Responsible head: Radek Matějka, Director of Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction and Energy Statistics Department, phone (+420) 736 168 543, e‑mail:
Contact person: Renata Vodičková, Head of Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit, phone (+420) 703 824 173, e-mail:

Data source: Statistical survey of the CZSO on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12)
Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék(MZe) 6-12, Odbyt(MZe) 6-12), and on poultry purchase (Drůb(MZe) 4-12)
End of data collection: 25 January 2024
Related outcomes:
Livestock Slaughtering - December 2023

Date of the next News Release publication: 9 May 2024

Text was not edited for language.
