Agriculture - 4th quarter and year 2017
Meat production down, milk collection and prices up
Publication Date: 30. 01. 2018
Product Code: 270149-17
In 2017 the beef production went down (−5.9%). Decline in pigmeat production continued as well (−4.2%). The growing trend of poultrymeat production remained (+1.5%). On the contrary, agricultural producer prices went up by 2.3% for cattle and by 11.1% for pigs while they declined by 1.0% for poultry. Milk collection from producers increased by 6.7% and average milk prices by 25.7%.
Slaughtering and meat production
In Q4 2017 the number of slaughtered cattle was 60.8 thous. head, i.e. by 5.1% less, y-o-y; of which 24.5 thous. were bulls (−5.7%), 26.6 thous. were cows (−5.6%), and 7.1 thous. were heifers (+3.3%). The total beef production amounted to 18 183 tonnes (−4.0%). The decreasing trend in beef production slowed down; the Q4 2017 production was by 14.4% higher than the Q3 2017 one.
The pigmeat production in Q4 2017 recorded a slight recovery as well. In total 600.0 thous. pigs were slaughtered; i.e. by 2.3% less, y-o-y. The pigmeat production amounted to 54 755 tonnes, i.e. by 0.6% less, y-o-y; however, it rose by 7.7% compared to Q3 2017.
The poultrymeat production in Q4 2017 went slightly up by 41 121 tonnes (+2.0%).
Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter
In Q4 2017 agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter increased, y‑o‑y, for all categories: by 0.9% for bulls, by 7.9% for cows, by 6.9% for heifers and by 13.2% for calves. The average price of bulls for slaughter was 47.61 CZK per kg of live weight or 86.55 CZK per kg of carcass weight.
Average agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter declined by 5.1%, y-o-y. Pigs for slaughter were sold on average for 30.99 CZK per kg of live weight or 40.29 CZK per kg of carcass weight, i.e. by 4.21 CZK cheaper than in Q3 2017.
Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter of the first quality class remained almost at the last year’s level; they went down only by 0.7%. Their average price was 22.92 CZK per kg of live weight.
Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk
In Q4 2017, in total 709 929 thousand litres of milk (+10.4%) were collected from domestic producers, of which collection by diaries amounted to 611 002 thous. litres (+4.5%).
Agricultural producer prices of milk were, compared to low value for Q4 2016, by 33.6% higher. The producers sold Q-quality milk on average for 9.11 CZK per litre, i.e. by 0.60 CZK per litre more than in Q3 2017.
The year 2017 – Production, agricultural producer prices, and external trade
Cattle and beef
In total 227.4 thous. head of cattle (−5.9%) were slaughtered in the Czech Republic in 2017 and the beef and veal production reached 67 714 tonnes (−5.9%). The decrease was influenced by low number of bulls for fattening during 2016. Although imports of live animals for slaughter rose, the domestic production did not reach the last year’s level and was compensated by higher imports of beef. Due to their declined exports, the number of cattle for further rearing started to grow. This fact shall influence the meat production in 2018.
Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter in 2017 were on average by 2.3% higher than in 2016. They rose by 1.2% for bulls for slaughter, by 3.9% for cows, by 3.7% for heifers, and by 8.3% for calves. The average price of bulls for slaughter was 47.48 CZK per kg of live weight or 86.40 CZK per kg of carcass weight. Cattle prices were quite stable during the whole year and they ranged from 85.37 CZK per kg (minimum in February) to 87.44 CZK per kg (maximum in July).
According to preliminary results of external trade1) in live cattle in the period from December 2016 to November 2017 the turnover of external trade went down, y-o-y. Decreases were recorded on both sides of the trade; therefore its balance expressed in weight units stayed almost the same and reached 78 207 tonnes. This decreased turnover was caused by a decline in trade with animals for further rearing (−10.4 thous. head imported and −9.6 thous. head exported). Increased imports were observed for cattle for slaughter (to 2 181 tonnes; +18.9%), especially for cows. On the contrary, exports declined (to 47 614 tonnes; −4.0%) for both cows and bulls for slaughter. Live cattle were imported mostly from Slovakia (animals for slaughter); main trade partners for exports were Austria (both animals for slaughter and for further rearing), Turkey (mainly ones for further rearing) and Germany (ones for both purposes but prevailingly for slaughter).
The deficit of external trade1) in beef deepened, y-o-y. Imports of beef rose to 37 283 tonnes (+19.8%) and its exports almost did not change (10 322 tonnes; −0.1%). Beef was imported mostly from Poland, the Netherlands and Germany; it was exported mainly to Slovakia and to the Netherlands.
Pigs and pigmeat
In 2017, the number of pigs slaughtered at abattoirs was 2 337.8 thous. head (−3.7%) and the pigmeat production reached 211 001 tonnes (−4.2%). Low pigmeat production was connected with low number of pigs for fattening kept during the year and, in connection with declined turnover of the external trade1) in pigs for slaughter, imports of pigmeat went slightly up again.
Agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter declined by 11.1%, y-o-y. The average price of fattened pigs was 32.52 CZK per kg of live weight or 42.27 CZK per kg of carcass weight. The highest price was recorded in July (45.34 CZK per kg) and since then it decreased to the yearly minimum in December (38.86 CZK per kg).
The balance of external trade1) in live pigs in the period from December 2016 to November 2017 was positive (22 031 tonnes). Imports were dominated by young pigs and exports by pigs for slaughter. In total 202.3 thous. head of piglets weighing on average 26.2 kg were imported and considerably larger number (229.8 thous. head) of pigs for slaughter with their average weight 116.7 kg were exported. Their weight (26 823 tonnes in live weight) was comparable to more than one tenth of the annual pigmeat production in the Czech Republic. Piglets were imported from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands; exports of pigs for slaughter went to Slovakia, Hungary and Germany.
The deficit of external trade1) in pigmeat (−228 189 tonnes) slightly deepened, y-o-y (by 5 147 tonnes). In total 263 787 tonnes (+1.5%) were imported and 35 598 tonnes (−3.1%) were exported. Pigmeat came mainly from Germany, Spain, Poland and Belgium; the most important purchaser was Slovakia.
Poultry and poultrymeat
In 2017 the poultrymeat production slightly rose to 158 906 tonnes (+1.5%).
Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter in 2017 went slightly down (−1.0%) compared to 2016; the average price of chicken for slaughter in the first-quality class was 23.23 CZK per kg of live weight. The yearly maximum was recorded in January (24.27 CZK per kg), the yearly minimum was reached in June (22.17 CZK per kg) and it oscillated near the yearly average until the end of the year.
External trade1) in live poultry in the period from December 2016 to November 2017 showed a positive balance of 41 629 tonnes, of which imports comprised 4 437 tonnes (−16.4%) and exports 46 066 tonnes (+1.6%). Low imports (3 070 tonnes; −23.2%) and increased exports (28 957 tonnes; +5.9%), y-o-y, of chicken and hens for slaughter contributed to this result the most. Similarly, the trade with poultry juveniles recorded an increased surplus caused by lower imports (13.0 million head; −7.0%) and higher exports (89.2 million head; +4.0%) of day-old chicks. Live poultry were imported mainly from Hungary (day-old chicks), Germany (juveniles) and Slovakia (both juveniles and chicken and hens for slaughter); they were exported to Slovakia (juveniles and poultry for slaughter), Germany (day-old ducklings, chicken for slaughter, turkeys for slaughter), Poland (all poultry categories) and Romania (day-old chicks).
Both imports and exports of poultrymeat declined, y-o-y, to 116 785 tonnes (−2.3%) of meat imported and 34 372 tonnes (−7.2%) exported. Poultrymeat came mostly from Poland although its imports from Germany went up; it was exported mainly to Slovakia.
Milk and milk products
In 2017 the milk collection from domestic producers accounted for 2 901.0 million litres (+6.7%), of which 2 478.1 million litres (+0.8%) were collected by diaries from producers and collection centres.
The average price of milk of the first and Q quality class in 2017 was 8.44 CZK per litre (+25.7%). During the whole year it grew from 7.63 CZK per litre in January to 9.31 CZK per litre in December.
Persisting noticeable surplus of external trade1) in milk and milk products in the period from December 2016 to November 2017 further rose, y-o-y. Imports went down to 254.2 thous. tonnes (−15.0%) while exports remained at the same level of more than 1 million tonnes of milk and milk products (−0.1%). Imports dropped for all milk commodities excluding whey (+5.5%); the largest decrement was recorded for imports of milk and cream (−42.3%), including powdered ones (−24.8%). On the contrary, exports of milk increased by 13.4 thous. tonnes (+1.6%); they rose the most for Germany and went down the most for Poland and Italy. Exports of cheese and curd were up as well (+2.6%) while exports of butter declined (−39.8%). The main trade partners for milk and milk products were Germany, Slovakia and Poland for both directions together with Italy for exports.
1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 8 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.
Published data are final, except external trade data.
Responsible head: Jiří Hrbek, Director of Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Statistics Department, phone (+420) 274 052 331, e-mail
Contact person: Jiří Hrbek, phone (+420) 274 052 331, e-mail
Data source:
Statistical survey of the Czech Statistical Office on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12)
Publication of the CZSO: Agricultural Producer Price Indices (code 011045-17)
External Trade Database of the CZSO
Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék(MZe) 6-12, Odbyt(MZe)6-12) and on poultry purchase (Drůb (MZe) 4-12)
End of data collection: 10 January 2018
End of data processing: 25 January 2018
Related outcomes:
Livestock Slaughtering; publication date of the detailed December figures: 5 February 2018
Prices of Agriculture
Date of the next News Release publication: 30 April 2018
This press release was not edited for language.