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Agriculture - Description of time series

Table 1
Meat production and milk collection

Meat production expresses carcass weight of slaughtered livestock whose meat was approved suitable for human consumption. Carcass weight means the weight of the cold carcass. Meat production is surveyed in slaughterhouses.
Poultrymeat includes offal until 2011.

Direct milk collection is the amount of milk purchased by dairy enterprises.
Dairy enterprises means:
1) dairies - undertakings or agricultural holdings which purchase whole milk or, in certain cases, milk products, either directly from agricultural holdings or from the undertakings referred to in point 2, with a view to transforming them into milk products;
2) collection centres - undertakings which collect milk or cream in order to transfer it in whole or in part, without any processing, to the undertakings referred to in point 1.
Milk collection by dairies
is the amount of milk purchased from agricultural producers or collection centres.
Data on milk collection are taken from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

The time series presented through the Public database of the CZSO contains only data on meat production; it is available (except of poultry) also in regional breakdown.

Table 3 and 4
Sowing areas and harvest of selected crops

Sowing area is the area of arable land sown or planted by main crops in spring of the given year, in the case of winter crops areas sown in autumn of the previous year, and areas sown in previous years in the case of multiannual crops grown on arable land. Areas of catch crops, areas sown and harvested before the main crop, and areas of successive crops are excluded.
Harvest represents the harvested production intended for market or for direct consumption.
Rye includes maslin (wheat-rye mixture) until 1993.
Oats includes oats-barley mixture until 1993.
Edible pulses include peas, lentils and beans until 2002, and only peas since 2003.
Sugar beet includes fodder sugar beet until 1960.
Rape includes turnip rape until 1993.
Flax includes oil and fibre flax until 2010, and only oil flax since 2011.
Harvest of plants harvested green on arable land is reported as hay until 2016, and at 15% humidity since 2017.

Since 2002, data for agricultural sector only are reported.

Table 5

Livestock refers to the number of livestock as at the given day.
It is reported as at 31 December of the preceding year until 1932,
as at 1 January from 1933 to 1938,
as at 1 July in 1945 (summer numbers),
as at 1 January from 1946 to 1992,
as at 1 March from 1993 to 2002,
as at 1 April from 2003 to 2022;
as at 31 December from 2023.
In the public database of the CZSO, the specific reference date is indicated in the metadata for each value.

Since 2002, data for agricultural sector only are reported.

Table 6
Animal production in the agricultural sector and in households

Production of animals for slaughter (cattle, pigs, poultry) is the quantity expressed in live weight of animals placed on the market for slaughter (sale to slaughterhouses, trade organizations or direct export). It includes also animals slaughtered in producers’ own slaughterhouses, in other slaughterhouses against payment, or slaughtered outside the slaughterhouse. It includes also pigs and poultry slaughtered in households outside the agricultural sector.
Milk production
is the amount of milk milked or suckled by calves of dairy cows. Milk suckled by calves of beef cows is excluded.
Egg yield
is the amount of eggs laid by hens (Gallus gallus f. domestica) intended for human consumption. Includes also eggs from hens kept in households outside the agricultural sector. Includes eggs for hatching until 2009.
Number of beehives
is the number of swarms of bees (Apis mellifera) kept for honey production. It is expressed as the number of beehives occupied by bees for hibernation, regardless of the type of hive. The source of data on the number of beehives and the amount of honey and beeswax produced is the Czech Beekeepers Union.

Starting with the reference period 2002, the time series is also presented through the Public database of the CZSO.

Table 7
The Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA)

The EAA are a fundamental methodological instrument to measure the economic size and performance of agricultural industry, or the agricultural primary production, within the national economy. It is compiled on the basis of the Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 December 2003 on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community. The production is evaluated, according to the aforementioned Regulation, in basic prices at an amount the producer shall receive for a unit of the goods and services produced plus subsidies to the product minus taxes deducted from the product.
The EAA does not cover units producing just for their own consumption as, for instance, back and other gardens and animal breeding by non-farmers. The agricultural production for own consumption of farmers, whose holding has exceeded the bottom threshold, shall be involved in the EAA. The EAA also cover integrated side activities of non-agricultural nature, which are in close relation to the agricultural production, yet are not monitored separately in accounting and therefore they cannot be separated from the core agricultural activities.
Since 2010 the items of “spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops” have been transferred from “Other industrial crops”, code 02.5/3, into “Other crop products: others”, code 09.3 due to the revision of statistical economic activities (NACE, Rev. 2). The modification has been carried out retroactively starting in 1998 (Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006).