Agriculture - 1st quarter of 2011
Dropped poultry meat production, decreased number of sows
Publication Date: 29. 04. 2011
Product Code: r-2101-11
In the 1 st quarter 2011, 122 660 tonnes of meat were produced, i.e. by 6.3% less than in the 1 st quarter of the previous year. This decline was mainly caused by decreased pig meat production (by 3 231 tonnes) and poultry meat production (by 5 256 tonnes). Slaughtering of sows rose (by 22.8%), y-o-y. Total amount of 554 629 thousand litres of milk was delivered to dairies for an average price that was higher by 17.8% than in the same period of the previous year.
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Slaughtering and meat production
In the 1 st quarter of 2011, the number of slaughtered cattle counted for 62 055 heads, i.e. by 0.5% more than in the 1 st quarter of the previous year. There was a similar situation in the major category - bulls for slaughter (an increase by 0.9 %). Concerning the categories whose shares in meat production are less important, the number of slaughtered cows went up by 3.3%, whereas the numbers of slaughtered heifers, calves and young cattle went down (by 7.4, 6.7 and 25.3%, respectively). Beef and veal production amounted to 18 096 tonnes and it was higher by 1.6% year-on-year.
The number of slaughtered pigs was lower by 4.3% y-o-y, nevertheless the number of slaughtered sows increased (by 22.8%). In the 1 st quarter of 2011, 23 178 sows were delivered to slaughterhouses, which is 19% of the number of sows as at December 31 st, 2010. The total pig meat production was 66 115 tonnes and it decreased by 4.7% y-o-y.
Poultry meat production amounted to 38 407 tonnes; it dropped by 12.0% in comparison to the 1 st quarter of the previous year.
Results of cattle, pig and poultry breeding
According to the last livestock survey in cattle as at December 31 st 2010, the number of bovine animals decreased y-o-y by 2.7% to 1 319 thousand heads, of which the number of cows went down by 2.5%. The total number of cows was 542 thousand heads, of which 69% of dairy cows and 31% of suckler ones. The average annual and daily milk yields increased by 0.5%, to 6 903.8 litres and 18.91 litres per cow, respectively. Sale of cattle for slaughter amounted to 170 586 tonnes in live weight in 2010; it decreased by 5.7% y-o-y.
The number of pigs as at December 31 st 2010 decreased by 3.5% y-o-y and counted for 1 846 thousand heads; however, the number of sows fell by 10.0% to 122 thousand heads. The number of fattened pigs (of the live weight more than 50 kg) went down by 4.9%. Reproduction of sows held a progressive trend; the number of weaned piglets increased by 4.5% and it amounted to 22.1 piglets per sow and year.
The number of poultry as at 31 st December 2010 counted for 24 073 thousand heads, i.e. by 0.5% more than as at the same date of previous year. The average number of laying hens was 3 998 thousand heads and their average egg yield amounted to 309 eggs in 2010.
Agricultural producer prices in cattle, pigs, and chicken for slaughter
In the 1 st quarter 2011, agricultural producer prices in cattle for slaughter rose y-o-y in bulls (by 5.2%), in cows (by 1.6%), and in heifers (by 1.5%), while they declined in calves (by 2.5%). The average price of bulls in S, E, and U quality classes reached CZK 78.72 per kg of carcass weight or CZK 42.18 per kg of live weight.

Agricultural producer prices in pigs for slaughter decreased by 1.3%, y-o-y. The average price of pigs for slaughter in S, E, and U quality classes was CZK 33.79 per kg of carcass weight or CZK 26.30 per kg of live weight.

Agricultural producers prices in chicken for slaughter rose by 5.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. The average price of 1 st-quality chicken was CZK 21.27 per kg of live weight.

External trade in live animals and meat
According to provisional results, external trade 1) in live animals reached a positive balance in cattle (11 079 tonnes), pigs (449 tonnes), and poultry (6 224 tonnes) in the period from December 2010 to February 2011.
There was a considerable predominance of exports over imports in live cattle. Imports counted for 178 tonnes and exports 11 256 tonnes. In comparison with the corresponding period of the previous year, imports of live cattle dropped by a half (by 50.2%), exports reminded stable (increased just by 0.7%). A proportion of animals intended for slaughter counted for 95% of the total import and 57% of the total export. Live bovines were imported predominantly from Slovakia (80%) and the Netherlands (16%); they were exported to Austria (51%) and to other countries (less than 10% to each of them).
Imports and exports in live pigs expressed in live weight were almost balanced in the concerned period (imports amounted to 4 548 tonnes, exports 4 997 tonnes). Nevertheless, structures of imports and exports substantially differed. While the total import embraced pigs with the live weight less than 50 kg (piglets and hogs) and ones over 50 kg (pigs for slaughter) by 56% and 41%, respectively, the total export comprised 95% of pigs over 50 kg. Imports decreased by 9.2%, y-o-y, exports rose by 44.9%. Imports came mainly from Denmark (51%), the Netherlands (23%), and Germany (18%); exports went to Hungary (49%) and Slovakia (38%).
Imports of live poultry increased by 40.0% (to 1 834 tonnes) and export by 17.8% (to 8 058 tonnes). A proportion of chicken for slaughter was 92% and 54% of the total imported and exported poultry, respectively. Most of live poultry was imported from Slovakia (62%) and Germany (37%); it was exported to Poland (40%), Germany (37%), and Slovakia (18%).
External trade 1) was negatively balanced in all types of meat; deficits amounted to 2 192 tonnes in beef, 35 389 tonnes of pig meat and 15 260 tones of poultry meat.
Imports of beef fell by 8.1% (to 4 337 tonnes), exports considerably increased by 117% (to 2 145 tonnes). Beef was imported mainly from Poland (36%), Austria (18%), and Germany (12%) and exported to Turkey (33%), Slovakia (22%), Poland (14%), and Germany (13%).
In pig meat as well, decline in import (by 1.3% to 44 570 tonnes) and increase in export (by 10.1 to 9 181 tonnes) were revealed. Most of pig meat came from Germany (47%); it was exported mainly to Slovakia (85%) and to Germany (10%).
There was an increase in both import (by 13.7%) and export (12.8%) of poultry meat, y-o-y. In total, imports amounted to 20 831 tonnes (of which 37% from Poland, 18% from Brazil, 11% from Germany, and 11% from Slovakia), while exports reached 5 571 tonnes of poultry meat and offal (of which 50% to Slovakia, 16% to the Netherlands, and 10% to Germany).
Milk collection and agricultural producer prices
In the 1 st quarter of 2011, dairies collected 554 629 thousand litres of milk. It was by 0.4% more than in the same period of the previous year and by 2.2% more than in the previous quarter.
Agricultural producer prices in milk increased by 17.8%, y-o-y. The average price of milk in Q-quality class was CZK 8.14 per litre.

External trade in milk and milk products
External trade 1) in milk and milk products showed an active balance (128 540 tonnes) in the period from December 2010 to February 2011. 57 345 tonnes of milk and milk products were imported (decline by 3.8%, y-o-y) and 185 885 tonnes were exported (increase by 1.7%, y-o-y). The balances of trade in butter and in cheese and curd were negative. In both commodities, decreased import was revealed, by 4.9% in cheese and curd, and by 9.9% in butter. Export increased in cheese (by 9.8%), whereas it dropped in butter (by 61.6%). The most important partners in external trade in milk and milk products were Germany (comprised 39% of imports and 52% of exports) and Slovakia (24% of imports and 17% of exports). Furthermore, Poland took a substantial part in import (22%).
Text not edited for language.
1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 8 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.
Methodical note:
Contact person: Jiří Hrbek, phone 27405 2331, e-mail:
Source: full survey carried out by the Czech Statistical Office, Agricultural Producer Price Indices in March 2011 (CZSO).
Milk collection and purchase of poultry – survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Date of completing data collection: April 10 th , 2011
Date of completing data processing: April 27 th , 2011
Published data are final with the exception of external trade data.
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