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Agriculture - 3rd quarter of 2019

Meat production slightly up, prices of pigs for slaughter as well

Publication Date: 31. 10. 2019

Product Code: 270149-19

In Q3 2019 the meat production amounted to 112 320 tonnes; i.e. by 2.7% more, year-on-year. It consisted of 17 422 tonnes of beef (+1.1%), 51 586 tonnes of pigmeat (+1.6%), and 43 258 tonnes of poultrymeat (+4.8%). Prices of cattle for slaughter were slightly lower, y-o-y (−2.4%), while those of chicken for slaughter slightly rose (+1.9%). The growth of prices of pigs for slaughter continued and reached the average value 44.49 CZK per kg of carcass weight; i.e. by 4.86 CZK per kg more than in Q2 2019. Diaries and collection centres purchased 746 832 thousand litres of milk (+1.0%) for 8.62 CZK per litre on average.

Slaughtering and meat production
In Q3 2019 the number of slaughtered cattle was 57.8 thous. head (+0.6%, y-o-y); of which 23.4 thous. were bulls (+4.7%), 26.5 thous. were cows (2.8%), 5.9 thous. were heifers (+3.7%), and 1.5 thous. were calves (8.2%). The total beef production reached 17 422 tonnes (+1.1%). This slight increase of the production was connected with increased imports and lower exports of animals intended for slaughter.

The number of slaughtered pigs in Q3 2019 slightly rose to 574.4 thous. head (+2.5%, y-o-y); however, the number of sows culled and slaughtered decreased by 11.9%. The pigmeat production amounted to 51 586 tonnes; i.e. by 1.6% more, y-o-y, but by 3.8% less than in Q2 2019. The producers took advantage of growing prices of pigs for slaughter and sold also younger and smaller pigs. The difference in average weight of pigs slaughtered in Q1 2019 and Q3 2019 was 4.1 kg.

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the amount of poultry slaughtered in Q3 2019 accounted for 66 587 tonnes; it represents 43 258 tonnes of poultrymeat, i.e. by 4.8% more, y-o-y.

Cattle and pig numbers
The numbers of cattle in the Czech Republic at the beginning of Q3 2019 were 1 422.7 thous. head, of which 582.8 thous. head were cows; these numbers almost did not change compared to the same date in 2018. A slight decline (4.6) occurred in of bulls for fattening as the category which determines the beef production. Lower number of animals available for the meat production was compensated by changes in external trade in animals intended for slaughter.

According to the results of the Pig Production Survey, the number of pigs decreased to 1 510.1 thous. head (3.0%); of which the number of sows remained at the same level, y-o-y (90.5 thous. head; 0.1%). The number of pigs for fattening went down by 3.5%. Similarly to the situation in cattle, declined availability of fattened pigs did not influence the pigmeat production due to distinctly lowered exports of pigs intended for slaughter.

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter
Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter in Q3 2019 went by 2.4% below the level of those in Q3 2018. The prices of calves for slaughter dropped the most (11.7%); the prices of heifers and bulls declined slightly (3.4% and 3.3%, respectively), and the prices of cows for slaughter remained almost the same, y-o-y (+0.4%). The average price of bulls for slaughter was 45.83 CZK per kg of live weight or 83.40 CZK per kg of carcass weight. 

In Q3 2019 the increase in prices of pigs for slaughter continued. In comparison with plummeted prices in Q3 2018 they went up by 24.4%. Agricultural producers sold pigs for slaughter for on average 34.23 CZK per kg of live weight or 44.49 CZK per kg of carcass weight. Compared to Q2 2019, the price was by 4.86 CZK per kg higher.

Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter slightly increased, y-o-y (+1.9%). The average price of chicken for slaughter was 23.08 CZK per kg of live weight.

External trade in live animals and meat
According to preliminary results of external trade1) in live animals in the period from June to August 2019, the turnover of the trade in live cattle went up, y-o-y, due to increased exports of animals for further rearing. The turnover of the trade in live pigs and live poultry declined as a result of decreases on both sides of their trade.

Increased number of exported cattle for further rearing in the last year was reflected in Q3 2019 in decreased exports of animals for slaughter; in addition, imports of animals for slaughter increased in order to ensure meat production in slaughterhouses. Exports of live cattle intended for slaughter went down, y-o-y, by 13.1% to 15.2 thous. head, while exports of cattle for further rearing rose again (to 36.9 thous. head; +10.4%). Imports of animals for slaughter went up to 1.5 thous. head. The largest exports of fattened cattle involving almost three quarters of these animals were directed to Austria. Cattle for further rearing were exported mainly to Turkey; weaned calves to Spain and the Netherlands. Cattle for slaughter were imported from Slovakia.

External trade in live pigs followed the same trend as in Q2 2019; it was characterized by year-on-year lowered imports of piglets, their increased exports, and declining exports of pigs for slaughter. Only 23.6 thous. piglets were imported (43.8%), while 39.2 thous. head (+16.2%) were exported during the considered period. Piglets came traditionally from Denmark and Germany and were exported to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Austria. Exports of pigs for slaughter went down to 48.1 thous. head, i.e. 30.7%, y-o-y. They were exported the most to Slovakia, Hungary and Germany.

The balance of external trade in live poultry was positive both for day-old juveniles and poultry for slaughter. The total surplus of the trade in day-old juveniles reached 23.4 million chicks and it decreased, y-o-y, due to their lowered imports (1.6 million head; 30.4%) as well as exports (25.1 million head; 16.8%). Day-old chicks of meat type were exported mainly to Slovakia, those of laying type to Poland and Romania. Exports during the considered period accounted for 6 073 tonnes (+14.7%) of chicks and culled hens for slaughter, mostly to Poland and Slovakia; and 3 197 tonnes of fattened turkeys (+26.5%), mostly to Germany and Poland.

Negative balance of external trade in meat improved, y-o-y, to 59 521 tonnes of pigmeat and 20 697 tonnes of poultrymeat, while in beef it slightly deepened to 7 483 tonnes.

Imports of beef went up, y-o-y, to 10 623 tonnes (+10.1%) and, similarly, its exports to 3 141 tonnes (+10.2%). Beef came especially from the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and Ireland; it was exported mainly to Slovakia, Poland, and the Netherlands.

As concerns pigmeat, its year-on-year lower imports (66 765 tonnes; 1.5%) and higher exports (7 244 tonnes; +7.4%) mitigated the trade balance deficit. The largest proportion of pigmeat was imported from Germany, Spain, and Poland. Prevailing part of exports was directed to Slovakia.

External trade in poultrymeat recorded declines both in imports and exports. In total 25 034 tonnes (7.0%) were imported and 4 338 tonnes (22.7%) were exported during the considered period. The largest amount of poultrymeat came from Poland; it went mostly to Slovakia, Germany, Austria, and Hungary.

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk
According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, in total 746 832 thousand litres of milk (+1.0%) were collected from domestic producers in Q3 2019, of which 614 262 thousand litres (2.9%) were purchased by dairies from producers and collection centres.

Agricultural producer prices of milk were by 4.7% higher, y-o-y. Agricultural producers sold milk of Q quality class for the average price 8.62 CZK per litre, i.e. by 0.31 CZK per litre less than in Q2 2019.

External trade in milk and milk products
The distinct surplus in external trade1) in milk and milk products increased during the considered period to 227.8 thous. tonnes. In total 61.4 thous. tonnes (7.8%) of milk and milk products were imported and 289.3 thous. tonnes (+0.6%) were exported. This result was influenced the most by distinctly lower imports of milk and cream (9.8 thous. tonnes; 25.6%) and acidified milk products (8.1 thous. tonnes; 23.8%), and slightly higher exports of milk and cream (236.6 thous. tonnes; +2.2%). Increased imports of cheese and curd resulted in trade deficit for this commodity deepened to 11.9 thous. tonnes. The main trade partners for milk and milk products were Germany and Slovakia for both directions together with Poland for imports and Italy for exports.

1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the thresholds of CZK 12 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.

Published data are final, except external trade data.
Responsible head: Renata Vodičková,
Head of Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit,
phone (+420) 274 054 292, e-mail

Contact person: Renata Vodičková, phone (+420) 274 054 292, e-mail
Data source: Statistical survey of the CZSO on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12), on cattle production (Zem1-02), and on pig production (Zem2-02)
Public Database of the CZSO: Prices of Agriculture (table
Agricultural Producer Price Indices and table Average Agricultural Price)

External Trade Database of the CZSO
Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék(MZe) 6-12, Odbyt(MZe)6-12) and on poultry purchase (Drůb (MZe) 4-12)
End of data collection: 10 October 2019
End of data processing: 25 October 2019

Related outcomes: Livestock Slaughtering:; publication date of the detailed September figures: 4 November 2019
Cattle Production:
Pig Production:
Date of the next News Release publication: 30 January 2020

Text was not edited for language.
