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Agriculture - 3rd quarter of 2016

Total Meat Production Down; Decline in Pigmeat and Poultrymeat, Increase in Beef

Publication Date: 31. 10. 2016

Product Code: 270149-16

In Q3 2016 the meat production amounted to 110 348 tonnes (1.0%, year-on-year), of which 17 090 tonnes (+4.7%) were beef and veal, 53 602 tonnes (3.0%) was pigmeat, and 39 620 tonnes (0.5%) was poultrymeat. Dairies purchased 614 429 thousand litres of milk (+0.3%) from domestic producers and collection centres. Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter went down, y-o-y, (2.4%) while those for chicken for slaughter slightly rose (+1.0%) and those for pigs went up by 6.7% in comparison with Q3 2015. Prices of milk, however, remained far below the Q3 2015 level (16.0%).

Slaughtering and meat production

In Q3 2016 the number of slaughtered cattle was 57.8 thous. heads (+3.8%, yoy), of which 23.8 thous. were bulls (0.2%), 26.7 thous. were cows (+8.8%), and 4.8 thous. were heifers (+2.9%). The average weight of slaughtered bulls was 662.6 kg. The total beef and veal production amounted to 17 090 tonnes (+4.7%).

The number of slaughtered pigs went down by 2.9%, y‑o‑y. In total 601.2 thous. pigs in average carcass weight of 116.9 kg were slaughtered. The pigmeat production declined to 53 602 tonnes; i.e. by 3.0%, y-o-y, and by 6.8% in comparison with Q2 2016.

Poultrymeat production reached 39 620 tonnes and was by 0.5% lower than in Q3 2015.

Cattle and pig numbers

At the beginning of Q3 2016, the number of cattle in the Czech Republic was 1 383.7 thous. heads (2.3%, y‑o‑y); of which 570.2 thous. were cows whose number stayed at the level of beginning of Q3 2015. All other important categories recorded a decrease: by 4.3% for young cattle less than one year old, by 1.1% for replacement heifers, and by 10.1% for bulls for fattening. This situation corresponds with persisting high level of exports of calves and young cattle.

The number of pigs as at 31 July 2016 increased only slightly compared to the same date last year (1 571.3 thous. heads; +0.7%). The number of pigs for fattening, which is a characteristic with a short-term impact, went up (to 605.3 thous. heads; +3.9%) while the number of sows a characteristic with a long-term impact – decreased to 93.0 thous. heads, i.e. by 3.7%, and the number of mated gilts even by 6.1%.

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter

In Q3 2016 agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter decreased, y‑o‑y, for cows (5.9%) and heifers (5.1%), and almost did not change for the most important category of bulls (0.6%). Only prices of calves for slaughter increased (+6.9%). The average price of bulls for slaughter was 46.91 CZK per kg of live weight or 85.37 CZK per kg of carcass weight. 

Average agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter in Q3 2016 were 31.67 CZK per kg of live weight (+6.7%, y-o-y) or 41.18 CZK per kg of carcass weight. The agricultural producer price of pigs surpassed the level of 30 CZK per kg of live weight in June 2016 and, therefore, returned at the level of the end of 2014.

Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter of the first quality class slightly increased (+1.0%). Their average price was 23.50 CZK per kg of live weight. 

External trade in live animals and meat

According to preliminary results of external trade1) in the period from June to August 2016, exports of live animals exceeded imports. However, this persistent surplus includes year-on-year changes in particular items.

Exports of live cattle distinctly exceeded imports (by 50.2 thous. heads and 17 217 tonnes). Only 1.4 thous. heads were imported; imports of animals for slaughter newly increased. Exports slightly declined, y-o-y, to 51.6 thous. heads (5.2%). Exports involved both cattle for breeding (33.6 thous. heads; 3.2%) and for slaughter (17.9 thous. heads; 8.8%). The weight of exported animals for slaughter was 11 369 tonnes, which corresponds to average monthly meat production in the Czech Republic. Live cattle were exported mainly to Austria (animals for slaughter), Turkey (for further rearing) and Hungary (both categories).

Imports of live pigs in the category up to 50 kg (piglets) continued to drop distinctly. In total 48.5 thous. heads (44.1%, y‑o‑y) weighing on average 26.2 kg were imported. On the contrary, their exports recorded an exceptional increase to 33.0 thous. heads (a quintuple of the amount in Q3 2015). Piglets were imported traditionally from Germany and Denmark, while imports from Germany declined almost to one half. The category over 50 kg prevailed in exports. In total 54.8 thous. pigs for slaughter (17.7%) were exported; their average weight was 118.3 kg. However, imports decreased as well, and therefore the balance of trade with pigs for slaughter almost did not change, y-o-y. Animals in this category were exported to Slovakia, Germany and Hungary.

As for external trade in live poultry, an increase of imports and decline in exports continued in the category of day-old chicks. In total 6.0 million heads were imported, i.e. twice the amount of Q3 2015, and 21.6 million chicks were exported, i.e. by 20.8% less, y-o-y.  Exports of ducklings in Q3 2016 rose again (to 2.6 million heads, +48.2%). Exports of chicken and hens for slaughter amounted to 5 964 tonnes (8.3%). Their imports were approximately six times lower than exports. Live poultry came from Germany, Slovakia and Hungary; it was exported to Germany, Slovakia, and Poland.

External trade1) in meat showed a negative balance for all three types (5 327 tonnes for beef, 53 420 tonnes for pigmeat, and 18 080 tonnes for poultrymeat).

The deficit of external trade in beef deepened, y-o-y. Its imports increased to 7 944 tonnes (+27.4%, y‑o‑y) and exports to 2 617 tonnes (+34.0%). Beef was imported mostly from Poland, the Netherlands and Slovakia. It was exported mainly to Slovakia but also to Hungary and the Netherlands.

In total 63 338 tonnes of pigmeat (−0.5%, y‑o‑y) were imported; it came mainly from Germany, Spain and Poland. Only 9 918 tonnes (+26.9%) were exported mostly to Slovakia.

Imports of poultrymeat decreased to 26 943 tonnes (4.1%, y‑o‑y) and its exports to 8 863 tonnes (21.1%). Poultrymeat was imported mainly from Poland, which substituted distinctly dropped imports from Brazil; it was exported mainly to Slovakia but also to Germany.

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk

In Q3 2016, dairies collected 614 429 thousand litres of milk from domestic producers and collection centres; it is only by 0.3% more in comparison with Q3 2015.

Agricultural producer prices of milk were, however, by 16.0% lower than in Q3 2015. The producers sold Q-quality milk on average for 6.15 CZK per litre, i.e. by 0.41 CZK per litre cheaper than in Q2 2016.

External trade in milk and milk products

In external trade1) in milk and milk products, exports (275 395 tonnes) distinctly exceeded imports (72 003 tonnes); the trade surplus slightly decreased. Imports almost did not change, y-o-y (0.2%) while exports went slightly down (2.0%). Imports of cheese and curd recorded the highest increase (+8.5%) and their exports rose as well (+3.4%). A distinct decrease was observed in imports of acidified milk products (16.0%); their exports were by 4.4% higher. The trade with the most important commodity – milk and cream – showed higher imports (+1.0%; +229 tonnes) together with lower exports (4.8%; 11 086 tonnes). The main trade partners for milk and milk products were Germany and Slovakia for both directions together with Poland for imports and Italy for exports.



Published data are final, except external trade data.

Responsible head: Jiří Hrbek, phone (+420) 274 052 331, e-mail
Contact person: Jiří Hrbek, phone (+420) 274 052 331, e-mail
Data source:
Statistical surveys of the Czech Statistical Office on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12), on cattle breeding (Zem 1-02), and on pig breeding (Zem 2-02)
Publication of the CZSO: Agricultural Producer Price Indices
External Trade Database of the CZSO
Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék (MZe) 6-12) and on poultry purchase (Drůb (MZe) 4-12)
End of data collection: 10 October 2016
End of data processing: 26 October 2016
Related outcomes:
Livestock slaughtering (
Cattle Breeding Figures (
Pig Breeding Figures (
Agricultural Producer Price Indices (
Date of the next News Release publication: 30 January 2017

This press release was not edited for language.

1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 8 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.

