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Agriculture - 4th quarter and year 2013

Meat Production and Milk Collection Declined

Publication Date: 30. 01. 2014

Product Code: r-2101-13

In Q4 2013 meat production amounted to 113 911 tonnes. This means a decline by 4.2%, year-on-year, of which by 0.9% in beef, by 4.0% in pigmeat, and by 5.9% in poultrymeat. Milk collection went down by 1.3% to 557 605 thousand litres.
A decline of meat production in all categories of meat was typical for the year 2013; the respective declines were by 1.4% for beef, by 2.3% for pigmeat, and by 2.9% for poultrymeat. Milk collection decreased ( 2.6%) as well while agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter grew for cattle (+0.5%), pigs (+2.7%), poultry (+7.1%) as well as prices of milk (+7.8%).

Slaughtering and meat production
In Q4 2013 the number of slaughtered cattle accounted for 57 543 heads; it decreased by 2.9%, y-o-y. The decline was recorded mainly in cows (−14.8%) while there was an increment in bulls (+12.7%). The total beef and veal production amounted to 16 838 tonnes . It almost did not change, y-o-y (−0.9%), and it increased by 6.5% in comparison with Q3 2013.
The number of slaughtered pigs went down to 670 739 heads, i.e. by 4.3%, y-o-y. The pigmeat production decreased to 59 238 tonnes (−4.0%). It increased by 2.4% compared with Q3 2013.
The poultry meat production reached 37 751 tonnes and was by 5.9% lower than in Q4 2012.

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter
In Q4 2013 agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter decreased, y-o-y, for all categories: by 22.0% for calves, by 5.7% for bulls, by 3.9% for cows, and by 0.6% for heifers. The average price of bulls for slaughter was CZK 44.35 per kg of live weight or CZK 80.72 per kg of carcass weight.
Agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter slightly increased (+1.1%). Producers sold pigs for slaughter for CZK 35.47 per kg of live weight or for CZK 45.58 per kg of carcass weight on average.
Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter declined by 1.6%, y-o-y. The average price of chicken for slaughter in first-quality class was CZK 23.95 per kg of live weight.

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk
In Q4 2013 dairies collected 557 605 thousand litres of milk from domestic producers, i.e. by 1.3% less than in Q4 2012.
Agricultural producer prices of milk grew by 19.9%, y-o-y. Producers sold milk of Q-quality class for CZK 9.04 per litre on average.

2013 – Production, agricultural producer prices, and external trade

In 2013 the meat production amounted to 447 525 tonnes, which was by 2.4% less than in 2012. This amount included 64 825 tonnes of beef and veal (−1.4%), 234 273 tonnes of pigmeat (−2.3%), 176 tonnes of sheep meat (+6.2%), of which 127 tonnes of lamb (+7.0%), 4 tonnes of goat meat (−33.9%), 74 tonnes of horse meat (−6.9%), and 148 174 tonnes of poultry meat (−2.9%).

Cattle and beef
In 2013 the beef and veal production reached 64 825 tonnes (−1.4%). A decrement was recorded in cows (−6.8%) whereas the production increased in bulls (+5.1%).
Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter went up for heifers (+4.4%) and cows (+3.2%) while they dropped for calves (−8.5%) and bulls (−1.0%). Farmers sold bulls for slaughter for CZK 45.54 per kg of live weight or CZK 82.88 per kg of carcass weight on average (minimum CZK 80.37 per kg in October, maximum CZK 85.88 per kg in February).
According to provisional results, external trade 1) in live cattle in the period from December 2012 to November 2013 showed a positive balance (62 649 tonnes). Imports amounted only to 544 tonnes (−2.0%), whereas exports reached 63 193 tonnes (0.0%). The structure of exports changed in favour of animals for slaughter (+6.2%) and for breeding (+6.3%) while there was a decline in exports of other cattle intended for further rearing (−13.8%). The main trade partner for exports of live cattle was Austria.
As for external trade 1) in beef, imports exceeded exports by 12 736 tonnes. Imports increased to 20 561 tonnes (+7.9%), while exports declined to 7 826 tonnes (−2.1%). The trade in beef went in both directions mainly with Poland and Germany; Poland and Slovakia prevailed in imports and exports, respectively.

Pigs and pigmeat
In 2013 the pigmeat production decreased to 234 273 tonnes (−2.3%).
Agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter grew by 2.6%. The producers sold pigs for slaughter for CZK 33.43 per kg of live weight or CZK 42.96 per kg of carcass weight on average (minimum CZK 40.41 per kg in March, maximum CZK 46.68 per kg in October).
The balance of external trade 1) in live pigs in the period from December 2012 to November 2013 changed to positive one in relation to the previous period (+3 720 tonnes). Imports and exports of live pigs amounted to 19 802 tonnes (−36.4%) and 23 521 tonnes (+8.9%), respectively. Imports were influenced by plummets in both important categories: piglets (−30.7%, −159 thous. heads) and pigs for slaughter (−43.8%, −69 thous. heads). Exports were affected by increased amount of pigs for slaughter (+9.6%, +20 thous. heads) and of purebred pigs for breeding (+65.5%, +5 thous. heads). Live pigs were imported from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands and they were exported to Slovakia, Hungary and Germany.
The negative balance of external trade 1) in pigmeat (−182 527 tonnes) was represented by 224 767 tonnes (−1.6%) of imported and 42 241 tonnes (−1.1%) of exported pigmeat. The decline of the negative balance ceased. Pigmeat came mostly from Germany, Spain and Poland; Slovakia held a dominant position in exports.

Poultry and poultrymeat
In 2013 the poultrymeat production declined by 2.9% to 148 174 tonnes.
Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter were by 7.1% higher compared to 2012. The average price of chicken for slaughter in the first-quality class was CZK 24.74 per kg of live weight (minimum CZK 23.42 per kg in December, maximum CZK 25.72 per kg in February).
External trade 1) with live poultry in the period from December 2012 to November 2013 reached a positive balance of 33 288 tonnes, of which imports amounted to 6 078 tonnes (+9.3%) and exports to 39 367 tonnes (−3.4%). In total 18 228 thous. heads (−17.6%) were imported and 78 342 thous. heads (−0.3 %) exported in the category of one-day old chicks (both for meat and for eggs). Imports and exports of chicken for slaughter reached 3 817 tonnes (+1.5%) and 21 453 tonnes (−3.9%), respectively. The trade in live poultry with Slovakia and Germany went in both directions; further imports came from Hungary and exports to Poland and Romania.
External trade 1) in poultrymeat showed a negative balance (−62 773 tonnes); both imports and exports went down; imports reached 91 883 tonnes (−9.6%), and exports 29 109 tonnes (−5.9%). Poultrymeat was imported from Poland together with Brazil and Hungary; it was exported mostly to Slovakia.

Milk and milk products
In 2013 dairies collected 2 319.5 million litres of milk (−2.6%).
The average price of milk for the Q-quality class was CZK 8.40 per litre and rose by 7.8% (minimum CZK 7.90 per litre in January, maximum CZK 9.37 per litre in December).
In external trade 1) in milk and milk products, exports surpassed imports distinctly by 642 619 tonnes. The trade decreased in both directions; imports fell to 248 304 tonnes (−7.8%), and exports to 890 923 tonnes (−2.2%). Imports went down in all categories of milk commodities: milk and cream (−15.0%), yoghurts and acidified milk products (−8.4%), butter (−3.4%), and cheese and curd (−0.8%). Exports rose in yoghurts and acidified milk products (+8.3%) and cheese and curd (+17.4%) while they declined in butter (−4.9%) and milk and cream (−3.9%). The most important partners in trade in milk and milk products were Germany and Slovakia, together with Poland for imports and Italy for exports.

1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 8 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.

Published data are final, except external trade data.
Contact person: Jiří Hrbek, phone 27405 2331, e-mail:
Source: Livestock Slaughtering (Czech Statistical Office), Agricultural Producer Price Indices (Czech Statistical Office), External Trade Database (Czech Statistical Office), data on milk collection and poultry purchase (Ministry of Agriculture)
End of data collection: 10 January 2014
End of data processing: 28 January 2014
Following tables: /produkty/livestock-slaughtering-december-2013-mtw6tsk9m5
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Date of the next News Release publication: 30 April 2014

This press release was not edited for language.
