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Animal Production - 3rd quarter of 2022

Meat production decline continued

Publication Date: 09. 11. 2022

Product Code: 270149-22

Meat production in Q3 2022 went down to 110 278 tonnes (by 4.6%, y-o-y). The decrease was observed in all three main types of meat: by 6.2% in beef, by 4.5% in pigmeat,  and by 4.0% in poultrymeat. On the contrary, agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter rose by more than one quarter.

Meat production a milk collection

In Q3 2022, the production of beef fell by 6.2%, y-o-y, to 16 152 tonnes. In total 53.0 thous. head of cattle (5.2%) were slaughtered, of which 21.4 thous. head were bulls (9.4%), 24.4 thous. head were cows (1.3%), and 5.1 thous. head were heifers (5.6%). This decrease of meat production at slaughterhouses was influenced by increased exports and lower imports of fattened bulls together with lower average weight of animals for slaughter.

The pigmeat production reached 50 519 tonnes (4.5%). The number of slaughtered pigs declined to 551.2 thous. head (4.2%, y-o-y) despite decreased exports and higher imports of pigs for slaughter.

„The pigmeat production dropped back to the level of its previous minimum after four years. Even a significant increase in agricultural producer prices did not yet reversed this downward trend. At the same time, imports of pigmeat from abroad, especially from Germany, went up,” Renata Vodičková, Head of Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office, said.

The poultrymeat production amounted to 43 578 tonnes (4.0%), which value corresponds to 67 058 tonnes of poultry supplied to slaughterhouses. This result reflects slight increase of exports of live poultry intended to slaughter abroad.

In total 774 607 thousand litres of milk (+1.3%) were collected from domestic producers in Q3 2022, of which 663 489 thousand litres (0.1%) were purchased by dairies.

Agricultural producer prices

Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter went up by 26.6%, y-o-y. The average price of bulls for slaughter was 57.32 CZK per kg in live weight or 104.33 CZK per kg in carcass weight; their price was similar to that in Q2 2022.

The prices of pigs for slaughter went up by 27.3%, y-o-y. Agricultural producers sold pigs for on average 35.15 CZK per kg in live weight or 45.69 CZK per kg in carcass weight; i.e. by 2.12 CZK per kg in carcass weight more than in Q2 2022.

The prices of chicken for slaughter increased as well (+28.1%, y-o-y). Chicken for slaughter of the first quality class were sold on average for 29.30 CZK per kg in live weight. Compared to Q2 2022, they rose by 3.27 CZK per kg.

Agricultural producer prices of milk grew by 30.0%, y-o-y. The average price of Q-quality milk reached 11.55 CZK per litre.

„Price increases across the entire chain from agricultural producer prices to consumer prices were reflected also in the year-on-year change in estimated meat consumption in Q3 2022. They dropped by approximately 13% for beef and by 4% for poultrymeat, while the pigmeat consumption fell by only 1%, Markéta Fiedlerová from the Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office, added.

More detailed information on meat production in the third quarter of 2022 can be found in the supplementary information to the News Release on Animal production.



Published data are final. 

Responsible head: Radek Matějka, Director of Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction and Energy Statistics Department, phone (+420) 736 168 543, e‑mail
Contact person: Renata Vodičková, Head of Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit, phone (+420) 703 824 173, e-mail
Data source: Statistical survey of the CZSO on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12)
Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék(MZe) 6-12, Odbyt(MZe) 6-12), and on poultry purchase (Drůb(MZe) 4-12)
End of data collection: 25 October 2022
Related outcomes: Livestock Slaughtering: Livestock Slaughtering - September 2022
Date of the next News Release publication: 9 February 2023

Text was not edited for language.
