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Agriculture - 2 quarter 2014

Year-on-year increase in meat production and milk collection

Publication Date: 30. 07. 2014

Product Code: 270149-14

In Q2 2014 the meat production amounted to 114 468 tonnes and increased in all categories, year-on-year. It consisted of 16 178 tonnes of beef (+1.1%), 60 606 tonnes of pigmeat (+2.7%), and 37 603 tonnes of poultry (+1.9%). Milk collection rose to 599 729 thousand litres (+0.5%). Agricultural producer prices declined, year-on-year, for cattle for slaughter (−2.5%) and chicken (−5.3%), and rose for pigs for slaughter (+3.9%) and milk (+19.1%).

Slaughtering and meat production
In Q2 2014 the number of slaughtered cattle was 54 316 heads, i.e. almost the same as in Q2 2013 (only by 0.1% more). An increment was recorded for bulls (+14.6%) and calves (+9.9%) while number of slaughtered cows and heifers declined by 11.0% and 13.0%, respectively. These trends contributed to increase of total beef and veal production by 1.1% to 16 178 tonnes.
The number of slaughtered pigs increased as well to 682 875 heads, i.e. by 2.2%, y-o-y, and by 6.8% compared to Q1 2014. The total pigmeat production reached 60 606 tonnes; it surpassed the level of 60 thousand heads which was reached in Q4 2012 for the last time.
Poultrymeat production reached 37 603 tonnes and was by 1.9% higher than in Q2 2013.

Cattle, pig and poultry numbers
According to the results of the last survey in cattle as at 1 April 2014, the number of cattle in the Czech Republic was 1 373.6 thousand heads (+1.5%, y-o-y), of which 564.0 thous. heads were cows (+2.2%). Increase was recorded in cows (by 1.4% for dairy cows and by 3.6% for beef cows), in cattle less than one year old (by 3.0%), and in mated heifers (by 0.3%). Number of bulls for fattening went down by 0.7%.
The number of pigs as at 1 April 2014 rose to 1 617.0 thous. heads (+1.9%). This increment was recorded in all main categories: by 0.6% for pigs for fattening, by 10.9% for piglets, and by 2.4% for pigs for breeding, of which by 0.6% for sows and by 6.8% for gilts.
The number of poultry went down to 21 463.8 thous. heads, y-o-y; out of this, the number of hens fell by 6.7% to 6 755.5 thous heads and the number of chicken for fattening by 1.6% to 11 508.1 thous. heads.

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter
In Q2 2014 agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter went down in all categories, y-o-y: by 14.9% for calves, by 5.8% for cows, by 2.1% for heifers, and for the most important category of slaughter animals – bulls – the prices remained almost unchanged (only by 0.2% lower). The average price of bulls for slaughter was 46.10 CZK per kg of live weight or 83.90 CZK per kg of carcass weight.
Agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter slightly increased (+3.9%). Pigs for slaughter were sold on average for 32.81 CZK per kg of live weight or 42.16 CZK per kg of carcass weight.
Agricultural producer prices of chicken for slaughter decreased by 5.3%. The average price of chicken for slaughter in the first-quality class was 23.75 CZK per kg of live weight.

External trade in live animals and meat
According to preliminary results, external trade 1) in live animals in the period from March to May 2014 reached a positive balance in all three species: 15 288 tonnes for cattle, 2 198 tonnes for pigs, and 9 270 tonnes for poultry.
Exports of live cattle distinctly exceeded imports. Although imports rose by one quarter, y-o-y, it amounted only to 315 tonnes. On the contrary, exports almost did not change and reached 15 603 tonnes (−0.3%). Exports comprised of 21.0 thous. heads of cattle intended for further rearing and 18.4 thous. heads for slaughter. The main partners for exports were Austria as concerns cattle for slaughter, together with Germany where both cattle for slaughter and for further rearing – especially calves – were sold.
Imports of live pigs amounted to 3 811 tonnes (−12.8%) and their exports to 6 010 tonnes (−18.3%). The decreasing trend in imports of piglets persisted: 77.9 thous. heads (−10.6%) were imported and even 11.7 thous heads (+66.1%) were exported. Imports of pigs for slaughter went down to 14.5 thous. heads (−9.1%) and their exports dropped as well (to 48.2 thous. heads, i.e. by 20.6%, y-o-y). Live pigs were imported mainly from Denmark (piglets), Germany (both pigs for slaughter and piglets) and the Netherlands (mainly piglets). Exports went predominantly to Slovakia (piglets and pigs for slaughter), Germany (pigs for slaughter) and Hungary (breeding pigs and pigs for slaughter).
Compared to Q2 2013 imports of live poultry plummeted by 40.0% to 1 017 tonnes; this fall was caused by decreased imports of chicken for slaughter. Exports of live poultry also slightly decreased (by 4.5% to 10 286 tonnes) despite the fact that exports of day old chicks went up by 30.1%. The most important import partner was Germany (mainly day old poultry and ducks), Slovakia (day old chicks and chicken for slaughter), and Hungary (day old chicks). Exports went predominantly to Slovakia (day old chicks and chicken for slaughter), Poland (turkeys and chicken for slaughter and day old poultry), and Germany (chicken and turkeys for slaughter).

External trade 1) in meat showed a negative balance for all types: −3 739 tonnes for beef, −49 711 tonnes for pigmeat, and −13 911 tonnes for poultrymeat.
Imports of beef increased to 5 690 tonnes (+17.4%), y-o-y, while its exports remained at the same level of 1 951 tonnes (−0.3%). The trade went in both directions with Poland; imports came also from the Netherlands, Germany, and Ireland, while exports went to Slovakia.
In total 59 096 tonnes of pigmeat (+14.4%) were imported mostly from Germany while 9 385 tonnes (−6.3%) were exported mainly to Slovakia.
Imports of poultrymeat decreased to 21 412 tonnes (−6.3%), y-o-y, while its exports rose to 7 501 tonnes (+5.0%), y-o-y. Poultrymeat was imported mainly from Poland and exported to Slovakia.

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk
In Q2 2014, dairies collected 599 729 thousand litres of milk from domestic producers. It was by 0.5% more than in Q2 2013 and by 3.5% more than in Q1 2014.
Agricultural producer prices of milk rose by 19.1%, y-o-y. The average price of Q-quality milk was 9.76 CZK per litre.

External trade in milk and milk products
In external trade 1) in milk and milk products, exports exceeded imports by 175 393 tonnes. Compared to Q2 2013 both imports and exports rose: imports to 73 605 tonnes (+15.8%) and exports to 248 999 tonnes (+7.7%). Imports of butter remained on the same level, y-o-y, while imports of milk and cream distinctly increased (+30.6%); they went up for cheese and curd (+6.3%) and negligibly down for acidified milk products (−0.9%). Exports of milk and butter rose by 11.1% and by 17.7%, respectively. Exports slightly declined for cheese and curd (−1.9%) and for acidified milk products (−2.9%). The main partners in trade in milk and milk products were Germany and Slovakia for both directions together with Poland for imports.

1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 8 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat..

Published data are final, except external trade data.
Contact person: Jiří Hrbek, phone +420 274 052 331, e-mail:
Source: Livestock Slaughtering (Czech Statistical Office), Livestock survey (Czech Statistical Office), Agricultural Producer Price Indices (Czech Statistical Office), External Trade Database (Czech Statistical Office), data on milk collection and poultry purchase (Ministry of Agriculture)
End of data collection: 10 July 2014
End of data processing: 28 July 2014
Following tables: /produkty/livestock-slaughtering-july-2014-32is9yfum8
Date of the next News Release publication: 31 October 2014

This press release was not edited for language.
