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Agriculture - 4th quarter and year 2020

Meat production by 0.9% up in 2020

Publication Date: 01. 02. 2021

Product Code: 270149-20

In Q4 2020, year-on-year increases were recorded in production of beef (19 355 tonnes, +0.7%), pigmeat (55 213 tonnes, +2.4%), and poultrymeat (43 784; +2.9%). Agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter declined in comparison with Q4 2019 by 3.2% for cattle, by 3.8% for chicken, and even by 25.0% for pigs.

The meat production in the Czech Republic in 2020 amounted to 454 846 tonnes (+0.9%); it consisted of 72 518 tonnes of beef (0.5%), 211 436 tonnes of pigmeat (+0.9%), and 170 725 tonnes of poultrymeat (+1.6%). Agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter decreased for cattle (4.1%), pigs for slaughter (0.6%), and chicken for slaughter (2.0%). In total 3 108.1 million litres of milk (+3.9%) were collected from domestic producers for an average price 8.56 CZK per litre (3.4%).

Slaughtering and meat production

In total 63.2 thous. head of cattle were slaughtered in abattoirs in Q4 2020, i.e. by 0.2% less, y‑o‑y; of which 27.2 thous. head were bulls (+0.1%), 26.3 thous. head were cows (1.5%) and 7.4 thous. head were heifers (+2.9%). Production of beef was similar to that in Q4 2019 (19 355 tonnes; +0.7%).

Slaughtering of pigs in Q4 2020 increased, y-o-y, to 599.0 thous. head (+0.5%). The pigmeat production amounted to 55 213 tonnes (+2.4%).

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the amount of poultry slaughtered in Q4 2020 accounted for 67 380 tonnes, which represents 43 784 tonnes of poultrymeat (+2.9%).

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter

Declines in prices of all surveyed animal product continued in Q4 2020.

Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter went down by 3.2%, y-o-y; of which by 1.4% for bulls for slaughter, by 4.5% for cows for slaughter, and by 5.9% for heifers for slaughter.  The average price of bulls for slaughter was 45.21 CZK per kg in live weight or 82.29 CZK per kg in slaughter weight.

The prices of pigs for slaughter in plummeted by 25,0% in comparison with Q4 2019 and reached on average 26.74 CZK per kg in live weight or 34.77 CZK per kg in slaughter weight. Agricultural producers sold pigs for on average by 3.54 CZK per kg less in comparison to Q3 2020.

A year-on-year decline was observed also in prices of chicken for slaughter (3.8%). Chicken for slaughter of the first quality class were sold on average for 22.38 CZK per kg in live weight.

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, in total 744 805 thousand litres of milk (+1.2%) were collected from domestic producers in Q4 2020, of which 631 345 thousand litres (+4.1%) were purchased by dairies.

Agricultural producer prices of slightly decreased, y-o-y (2.8%). The average price of Q-quality milk was 8.52 CZK per litre.


The year 2020

Cattle and beef

In total 234.5 thous. head of cattle (1.8%) were slaughtered in abattoirs in 2020 and the beef production reached 72 518 tonnes (0.5%). Although the beef production recorded only slight year-on-year differences, it was influenced by declined number of fattening bulls during the year, lower exports of animals for slaughter, and their higher imports together with increased slaughter weight caused by reduced production of abattoirs during spring.

Slight decline in producer prices of cattle for slaughter continued in 2020 (4.1%). In comparison with 2019, those of bulls were the most stable (1.7%) and those of calves changed the most (24.8%). The prices of heifers and cows went down by 5.7%. The average price of fattened bulls was 45.38 CZK per kg of live weight or 82.59 CZK per kg of slaughter weight. The prices of bulls for slaughter reached the same level as in 2013. Since that, they reached the highest value in 2017.

According to preliminary results of cross border movements1) in live cattle in the period from December 2019 to November 2020, the turnover of international trade expressed in the number of animals went down, y-o-y, by 9.5%; despite this, exports of live cattle still distinctly prevailed over their imports. In total 218.7 thous. head of cattle (10.4%), of which 65.4 thous. head (10.5%) intended for slaughter and 153.3 thous. head (10.4%) for further rearing, including animals for breeding, were exported. The growth of imports of animals for slaughter continued (6.9 thous. head; +50.9%). Live cattle were imported mainly from Slovakia (bulls for slaughter) and exported especially to Austria and Germany (animals for slaughter as well). Exports of cattle for further rearing to Turkey distinctly dropped; on the contrary, exports of calves to Spain grew.

The deficit in the cross border movements in beef decreased, y-o-y, due to lower imports (37 232 tonnes; 8.6%). Exports of beef remained at almost the same level (12 776 tonnes; +0.4%). Imported beef came mostly from Poland, the Netherlands, and Germany; exports were directed mainly to Slovakia, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Pigs and pigmeat

In 2020, the number of pigs slaughtered in the Czech Republic was 2 280.8 thous. head (0.9%) and the pigmeat production reached 211 436 tonnes (+0.9%). The y-o-y almost stable result was influenced by higher slaughter weight of pigs and slightly decreased exports of pigs intended for slaughter.

Prices of pigs for slaughter in 2020 were on average only slightly lower than in 2019 (0.6%) and reached the average value 31.64 CZK per kg of live weight or 41.13 CZK per kg of slaughter weight. Nevertheless, a steep decline was observed during the course of the year: the difference between the highest price in January and the lowest one in December was 14.88 CZK per kg of slaughter weight. The last period, when prices of pigs for slaughter were comparably low, was spring 2016; the last plummet of prices in spring 2019 was not as deep as in Q4 2020.

Cross border movements1) in live pigs showed the turnover being by 4.1% lower, y-o-y, because of declined imports (105.2 thous. head; 2.1%) as well as exports (410.9 thous. head; 4.6%). The number of traded piglets decreased on both sides: 96.1 thous. head (7.3%) were imported and 167.7 thous. head (3.0%) were exported. The number of exported pigs for slaughter went down as well (237.1 thous. head; 5.8%). Their slaughter weight corresponded to one tenth of the annual production of pigmeat in Czechia. Imports of pigs for slaughter (fattened pigs and sows) increased, although their number is insignificant. Live pigs came from Germany, Denmark, and Slovakia; they were exported mostly to Slovakia, Hungary, and Germany.

The deficit in cross border movements in pigmeat slightly decreased due to lower imports (267 466 tonnes; 1.2%) together with increased exports (31 025 tonnes; +10.1%). Pigmeat was imported traditionally from Germany, Spain, Poland, and Belgium; its majority went to Slovakia.

Poultry and poultrymeat

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the amount of poultry supplied to slaughterhouses in 2020 accounted for 262 774 tonnes, which represents 170 725 tonnes of poultrymeat produced; i.e. by 1.6% more, y-o-y.

Average agricultural producer price of chicken for slaughter in 2020 was slightly lower  (2.0%) than in 2019. It fluctuated with small deviations around the average value 22.72 CZK per kg in live weight in the course of the year; the maximum was recorded in August (23.73 CZK per kg) and the minimum in November (21.39 CZK per kg). The price of chicken for slaughter is stable for a long time, it has a very slow decreasing trend since 2013.

According to the statistics of cross border movements1), the trade in live poultry decreased, y‑o‑y. The turnover expressed in number of animals went down by 6.5% for poultry juveniles and even by 14.0% for adult poultry due to decreases in both imports and exports. Imports of day-old chicks reached 6.0 million head (15.4%) and their exports 88.7 million head (5.2%). The trade in chicks and hens intended for slaughter dropped even more: only 634 tonnes in live weight (58.8%) were imported and 20 041 tonnes (14.1%) were exported; it represents a monthly production of poultrymeat in Czechia. The main partners for imports of live poultry were Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland; their exports were directed to Slovakia, Poland, Romania, and Germany.

The deficit in the trade in poultrymeat deepened during the observed period. Cross border movements1) recorded imports increased to 112 499 tonnes (+3.0%) and exports declined to 15 443 tonnes (16.3%). More than one half of poultrymeat was imported from Poland; imports from Hungary went slightly up. Exports went to Slovakia, Germany, and Austria.

Milk and milk products

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the direct milk collection from domestic producers in 2020 accounted for 3 108.1 million litres (+3.9%), of which 2 614.3 million litres (+4.7%) were collected by diaries from producers and collection centres.

The average agricultural producer price of milk in 2020 reached on average 8.56 CZK per litre of Q-quality milk (3.4%). They fluctuated from 8.95 CZK per litre (in January) to 8.21 CZK per litre (in September).

Cross border movements1) in milk and milk products showed by 5.8% higher turnover, y-o-y. Both exports and imports went up by the same rate. In total 278.6 thous. tonnes of milk and milk products were imported and their exports grew to 1 135.2 thous. tonnes. Increased surplus of the trade in milk was caused again by higher exports (+56.3 thous. tonnes), although its imports went up as well (+11.9 thous. tonnes). The deficit of the trade in cheese and curd went slightly down, y-o-y, to 42.7 thous. tonnes; the surplus of the trade in acidified milk products declined as well (to +21.3 thous. tonnes). Milk and milk products were imported the most from Germany, Poland, and Slovakia. Their exports were directed especially to Germany, Slovakia, and Italy.


1) Intrastat does not include individual trading operations carried out by persons who are not registered for VAT as well as reporting units below the applicable thresholds of CZK 12 million a year for both flows are not under reporting duty for Intrastat.


Published data are final,
except statistics of cross border movements of goods.

Responsible head: Radek Matějka, Director of Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction and Energy Statistics Department, phone (+420) 736 168 543, e‑mail:

Contact person: Renata Vodičková, Head of Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit, phone (+420) 703 824 173, e-mail:

Data source: Statistical
survey of the CZSO on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12)

Public Database of the CZSO: Prices of Agriculture (table
Agricultural Producer Price Indices and table Average Agricultural Price)

Database of the CZSO - Cross Border Movements of Goods

Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék(MZe) 6-12, Odbyt(MZe) 6-12) and on poultry purchase (Drůb(MZe) 4-12)

End of data collection: 8 January 2021

End of data processing: 27 January 2021

Related outcomes:
Livestock Slaughtering:; publication date of the detailed December figures: 4 February 2021

Date of the next News Release publication: 10 May 2021

Text was not edited for language.

