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Agriculture - 1st quarter of 2020

Pigmeat production and prices of pigs for slaughter up

Publication Date: 30. 04. 2020

Product Code: 270149-20

In Q1 2020, the total meat production amounted to 110 866 tonnes, by 2.0% more, y-o-y. It consisted of 18 392 tonnes of beef (0.3%), 52 040 tonnes of pigmeat (+3.1%) and 40 399 tonnes of poultrymeat (+1.8%). Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter slightly declined, y-o-y (2.3%), similarly to those of chicken for slaughter (1.1%). Prices of pigs for slaughter continued to grow (+35.8%) and reached on average 47.34 CZK per kg of carcass weight, i.e. by 0.88 CZK per kg more than in Q4 2019. Dairies and collection centres purchased 787 590 litres of milk (+6.2%) from domestic producers on average for 8.89 CZK per litre.

Slaughtering and meat production

In total 59.3 thous. head of cattle were slaughtered in abattoirs in Q1 2020, i.e. by 1.0% less, y-o-y; of which 24.3 thous. head were bulls (1.1%), 26.2 thous. head were cows (1.6%) and 6.9 thous. head were heifers (+2.4%). Production of beef amounted to 18 392 tonnes (0.3%). This only a minutely decreased production of beef reflected declined exports and increased imports of animals for slaughter which compensated lower number of fattening bulls at the beginning of Q1 2020.

Slaughtering of pigs in Q1 2020 slightly grew, y-o-y, to 561.0 thous. head (+3.4%). Slaughtering of sows, which decreased by 10.5%, shows lowered degree of their culling and increasing potential for weaning of piglets in connection with growing prices of pigs for slaughter. The the pigmeat production reached 52 040 tonnes, i.e. by 3.1% more, y-o-y.

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the amount of poultry slaughtered in Q1 2020 accounted for 62 195 tonnes, which represents 40 399 tonnes of poultrymeat produced (+1.8%, y-o-y).

Cattle, pig, and poultry numbers

The number of cattle in the Czech Republic at the beginning of Q1 2020 was 1 367.0 thous. head; i.e. by 0.1% more, y-o-y. Stable numbers were recorded for all age categories. A slight decline (−3.5%) was recorded for fattening bulls. Numbers of dairy cows went minutely up (361.4 thous. head; +0.8%) and those of beef cows down (208.6 thous. head; 1.4%), reversely to trends for both purpose categories in the last three years.

The number of pigs remained at the same level, y-o-y, and amounted to 1 508.9 thous. head (+0.1%). The number of young pigs grew by 3.4% but the number of fattening pigs was down by 4.2%. The number of sows slightly rose to 90.5 thous. head (+1.2%).

The number of poultry at the beginning of Q1 2020 was distinctly lower, y-o-y (8.1%) and reached 23 314.7 thous. head; the number of laying hens went slightly up to 5 287.6 thous. head (+1.2%).

Agricultural producer prices of cattle, pigs and chicken for slaughter

Agricultural producer prices of cattle for slaughter in Q1 2020 continued to slightly decline, y-o-y (2.3%); of which those of bulls for slaughter by 1.4%, those of heifers for slaughter by 3.1% and those of cows by 1.4%. Prices of calves for slaughter plummeted, y-o-y, by 25.6%. The average price of bulls for slaughter was 45.92 CZK per kg in live weight or 83.57 CZK per kg in slaughter weight.

The prices of pigs for slaughter in Q1 2020 were by 35.8% higher than those in Q1 2019 and reached on average 36.42 CZK per kg in live weight or 47.34 CZK per kg in slaughter weight. In comparison to Q4 2019, the average price in slaughter weight increased by 0.88 CZK per kg.

The prices of chicken for slaughter went slightly down, y-o-y (1.1%). The producers sold chicken for slaughter of the first quality class on average for 23.83 CZK per kg in live weight.

Cross border movements – live animals and meat

According to preliminary results of statistics of cross border movements1) of live cattle in the period from December 2019 to February 2020, the turnover grew for the commodity live pigs, while it declined for live cattle and live poultry.

Exports of live cattle amounted to 51.0 thous. head (10.6%), of which 15.8 thous. head (20.4%) were intended for slaughter and 31.4 thous. head (9.4%) for further rearing. Almost threefold increase in imports of animals for slaughter was observed during the considered period, although imports were approximately ten times lower than exports. Live cattle were imported from Slovakia and Hungary; they were exported to Austria, Germany (cattle for slaughter in case of both countries), and Turkey (cattle for further rearing).

Cross border movements1) of live pigs noticed an increased year-on-year surplus which was caused by lowered imports (27.7 thous. head; −14.8%) and increased exports (97.2 thous. head; +7.5%). During the considered period, exports of young pigs intended for fattening (34.5 thous. head) prevailed over their imports (24.1 thous. head), oppositely to the situation in the period from December 2018 to February 2019. The number of exported pigs for slaughter was only slightly higher, y-o-y (60.7 thous. head; +1.4%) and their imports recovered. Live pigs came from Germany, Denmark, and Slovakia; they were exported mainly to Slovakia, Hungary, and Germany.

As concerns the balance of cross border movement of goods for the commodity live poultry, the surplus increased for day-old juveniles, while it declined for poultry for slaughter; both were caused by changes in exports. In total 23.5 million head (+9.8%) of day-old juveniles were exported. Exports of chicken and hens for slaughter plummeted to 3 944 tonnes (38.3%). Germany, Slovakia, and Hungary remained to be partners for imports of live poultry; exports were directed to Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Germany.

Negative balance of cross border movement of goods1) in the commodity meat improved for beef and pigmeat but it deepened for poultrymeat.

In total 9 701 tonnes (+8.2%) of beef were imported and its exports rose to 3 865 tonnes (+27.5%). Imported beef came mostly from the Netherlands, Poland, and Germany. Exports were directed mainly to Slovakia, the Netherlands and Poland.

Imports of pigmeat decreased to 64 925 tonnes (3.3%) and its exports went up to 7 227 tonnes (+12.8%). Pigmeat was imported traditionally from Germany, Spain, and Poland; it was exported mostly to Slovakia.

Reverse trends were recorded for poultrymeat: its imports increased (28 886 tonnes; +5.0%) and its exports declined (3 323 tonnes; 29.2%). More than one half of imported poultrymeat came from Poland; the share of imports from Hungary increased. Exports went to Slovakia, Germany, and Austria

Milk collection and agricultural producer prices of milk

According to the statistical survey of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, in total 787 590 thousand litres of milk (+6.2%) were collected from domestic producers in Q1 2020, of which 655 624 thousand litres (+4.5%) were purchased from producers and collection centres by dairies.

Although agricultural producer prices of milk slightly declined, y-o-y (2.3%) and the average price of Q-quality milk was 8.89 CZK per litre, the producers sold milk for the price by 0.13 CZK higher than in Q4 2019.

Cross border movements – milk and milk products

During the considered period, 64.3 thous. tonnes (+6.1%) of milk and milk products were imported and 272.8 thous. tonnes (+8.3%) were exported. A significant surplus of cross border movement of goods1) in the commodity milk and milk products went up, y-o-y, mainly due to increased exports of milk and cream (+9.6%), which represent the most important part of this commodity in external trade. The deficit in cross border movement of cheese and curd slightly deepened to 10 412 tonnes. On the contrary, the surplus in cross border movement of acidified milk products rose to 5 516 tonnes. The cross border movement of butter increased as well: 6 298 tonnes (+18.6%) were imported and 1 140 tonnes (+74.1%) were exported. Milk and milk products were imported the most from Germany, Poland, and Slovakia. Their exports were directed above all to Germany, Slovakia, and Italy.

1) Data on cross-border movements of goods with EU countries (Intrastat) does not include transactions carried out by persons who are not VAT - registered. Additionally, those reporting units whose dispatches or arrivals are below the applicable threshold of CZK 12 million a year also do not have a reporting duty to Intrastat for such a below-threshold flow.


Published data are final,
except statistics of cross border movements of goods.

Responsible head: Radek Matějka, Director of Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction and Energy Statistics Department, phone (+420) 736 168 543, e‑mail
Contact person: Renata Vodičková, Head of Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit, phone (+420)
703 824 173, e-mail

Data source: Statistical
surveys of the CZSO on livestock slaughtering (Zem 1-12) on cattle production (Zem 1-02), on pig production (Zem 2-02), and on poultry production (Zem 3-01)

Public Database of the CZSO: Prices of Agriculture (table
Agricultural Producer Price Indices and table Average Agricultural Price)

Database of the CZSO - C
ross Border Movements of Goods

Outcomes of statistical surveys of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic on milk collection (Mlék(MZe) 6-12, Odbyt(MZe) 6-12) and on poultry purchase (Drůb(MZe) 4-12)

End of data collection: 10 April 2020

End of data processing: 27 April 2020

Related outcomes:
Livestock Slaughtering:; publication date of the detailed March figures: 5 May 2020

Cattle production:
Pig production:
Poultry production:

Date of the next News Release publication: 30 July 2020

Text was not edited for language.

