Tourism - 2nd quarter of 2020
Number of guests slumped, as expected
Publication Date: 07. 08. 2020
Product Code: 020026-20
In total, 988 thousand guests accommodated in collective accommodation establishments in the Q2 2020, which was a decrease by 82.9%, y-o-y. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, it was a decrease by 4.8 million guests. A ban on travelling, closure of borders and also of accommodation establishments resulted in a drop of guests from the Czech Republic to the level of 30.4% of the last year´s result. The restrictions were reflected even much more in numbers of guests from abroad, only 4.3% of foreigners accommodated compared to the corresponding period of 2019.
As for the slump of the number of guests in relation to the coronavirus crisis, the most affected region was the Capital City of Prague (Hl. m. Praha Region). The decrease of the number of the accommodated in Prague was 93.6% and the number of overnight stays dropped by 94.9%. Accommodation providers in the Karlovarský Region also missed over one million nights that guests did not spent there. The number of guests in collective accommodation establishments decreased nationwide in all Regions of the Czech Republic.
The coronavirus crisis had also an impact on spa accommodation establishments. They were closed in April and were gradually opening during May. Results for the whole Q2 2020 show that the number of guests amounted to a fourth; however, it consisted mainly by guests from the Czech Republic. In total, 57 thousand of guests accommodated in spas, of which 51 thousand were Czechs. In the year-on-year comparison, the number of residents decreased by 61.5% and that of non-residents dropped by 94.1%.
Results for the Q2 2020 have been compiled in a standard way based on the processing of the “CR 1-12” monthly questionnaire (report) and the “CR 2-04” quarterly questionnaire (report). We express our gratitude to all respondents who provided data to the CZSO, although many of them had to cope with impacts of extraordinary measures; thanks to them, the CZSO could process results in full extent.
Responsible head at the CZSO: Marie Boušková, Director of the Trade, Transport, Services, Tourism, and Environmental Statistics Department,
Contact person: Pavel Vančura, Head of the Tourism and Services Statistics Unit, phone number (+420) 274 052 096,
Method of data acquisition: direct survey of the CZSO in collective accommodation establishments
End of data collection: 22 July 2020
End of data processing: 31 July 2020
Related data set:
Next News Release will be published on: 9 November 2020