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Tourism - 3rd quarter of 2019

The main tourist season was about growth

Publication Date: 08. 11. 2019

Product Code: 020026-19

In the Q3 2019, the total number of guests in collective accommodation establishments increased by 2.6%, year-on-year (y-o-y); the number of overnight stays of guests grew by 1.7%. The number of guests continued to grow also in the main tourist season.

The number of overnight stays of guests in collective accommodation establishments reached 20.9 million nights in total in the Q3 2019, which was by 1.7% more compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The number of overnight stays of guests from the Czech Republic (CR) increased by 2.0%, y-o-y; guests from abroad spent in accommodation establishments in the CR by 1.2% more nights. Almost all categories of accommodation establishments recorded a year-on-year growth, except for the category of one-star hotels. The number of nights spent in hotels in total increased by 1.0%, in boarding houses by 5.6%, and in tourist campsites by 0.6%. As for the regional breakdown, the highest increase occurred in the Plzeňský Region (+9.1%) with almost the same intensity for non-residents (+9.7%) as well as for residents (+9.0%). Only two regions reported a decrease in the number of overnight stays, i.e. the Vysočina Region (−2.7%) and the Pardubický Region (−2.0%).

In total, 7.5 million guests arrived to collective accommodation establishments during the surveyed period; it was 2.6% up, y-o-y. The number of both, guests from the Czech Republic and guests from abroad, increased. The number of accommodated guests from the CR exceeded the number of guests from abroad by 840 thousand. The number of guest from the CR increased by 2.8%, y-o-y; the number of guests from abroad grew by 2.3%. The number of guests in hotels increased by 2.5%, boarding houses accommodated by 6.4% more persons, and campsites welcomed the same number of guests as in the previous year. In terms of regional comparison, the number of guests increased in all regions of the Czech Republic, except for the Vysočina Region, where the number of guests from abroad dropped. The highest y-o-y increase of guests in total was in the Olomoucký Region, in which 9.2% more persons accommodated. Accommodation establishments in the Plzeňský Region, in the Středočeský Region, and in the Karlovarský Region reported also growth of over 5%.  

The highest number of non-residents (foreign guests by citizenship) came, as usually, from Germany. Compared to the previous year, by 1% more Germans visited collective accommodation establishments. During summer months, the second most frequent nationality among visitors were Polish (239 thousand), the number of whom increased by 15.5%, y-o-y. Slovaks ranked third (233 thousand guests; 5.7% up, y-o-y). Guests from the United States of America were also more interested in coming to the Czech Republic (+6.5%) as well as guests from the Russian Federation (+8.7%) and Italy (+2.6%). On the contrary, the number of guests from China and South Korea dropped in the surveyed period. The number of visitors from South Korea decreased by 14.5% and in total for the first three quarters of 2019 their number decreased by 7.1% for the time being. The number of guests from China decreased by 2.2%, y-o-y. Also people from the Netherlands were less interested in spending their summer holidays in the Czech Republic. The number of guests from the Netherlands was by 2.8% lower and they spent in the CR by 5% less nights compared to the previous year.

Responsible head at the CZSO: Marie Boušková, Director of the Services Statistics Department, phone number (+420) 274 052 935,
Contact person: Pavel Vančura, Head of the Tourism Statistics Unit, phone number (+420) 274 052 096, e-mail:
Method of data acquisition: direct surveys of the CZSO in collective accommodation establishments
End of data collection: 29 October 2019
End of data processing: 31 October 2019
Related data set:

Next News Release will be published on: 7 February 2020
