Labour Statistics: Time Series of Basic Indicators - July 2010
Publication Date: 30. 07. 2010
Product Code: w-3107-10
Against the issue of January 2010, there have been updated following tables: 1 to 3, 7a, 7b, 8 to 10, 14a, 14b, 16, 18, 21 to 23a Abbreviations used for economic activity classification: NACE = Classification of Economic Activities comparable with the international classification NACE Rev. 1.1 CZ-NACE = Classification of Economic Activities comparable with the international classification NACE Rev. 2
Tab. 2 Average number of employees in the national economy by Section of NACE and region (actual persons)
Tab. 9 Average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees in the national economy by Section of NACE activity and region (CZK / actual persons)
Tab. 15 Number of employees in the civil sector of the national economy: by level of monthly gross wages and salaries
Tab. 19 Structure of labour costs in the civil sector
Tab. 20 Structure of labour costs
Tab. 21 Number of job applicants and registered unemployment rate: by gender (end of month)
Tab. 22 Number of job applicants and vacancies: by NUTS 3 (December 31)