Labour Statistics: Time Series of Basic Indicators - 2nd half of 2012
Publication Date: 30. 07. 2012
Product Code: e-3107-12
Against the issue of January 2012, there have been: updated tables: 1a, 2a, 3a, 8a, 9a, 10a, 20a, 21, 22, 23a
Tab 1a Average number of employees in the national economy by Section of CZ-NACE (actual persons)
Tab 2a Average number of employees in the national economy by CZ-NACE Section and region (actual persons)
Tab. 3a Average number of employees in the national economy by Section of CZ-NACE (full-time equivalent)
Tab. 7a Average number of employees in the national economy: by Section of CZ-NACE and sphere - quarterly data (full-time equivalent)
Tab. 7b Average number of employees in the national economy: by Section of CZ-NACE and sphere - cumulated quarterly data (full-time equivalent)
Tab. 8a Average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees in the national economy by Section of CZ-NACE (CZK/actual persons)
Tab. 9a Average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees in the national economy by CZ-NACE activity and region (CZK/actual persons)
Tab. 10a Average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees in the national economy by Section of CZ-NACE (CZK/full-time equivalent)
Tab. 14a Average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees in the national economy: by Section of CZ-NACE and sphere – quarterly data (CZK/full-time equivalent)
Tab. 14b Average monthly gross wages and salaries of employees in the national economy: by Section of CZ-NACE and sphere – cumulated quarterly data (CZK/full-time equivalent)
Tab. 16 Percentage of employees by level of monthly gross wages and salaries
Tab. 18 Medians of gross monthly wages by ISCO-88 major group, age and by sex
Tab. 19 Structure of labour costs in the civil sector of the national economy (by NACE Section, type of ownership, size of reporting unit, region) (CZK/full-time equivalent)
Tab. 20 Structure of labour costs in the national economy (by NACE Section, type of ownership, size of reporting unit, region) (CZK/full-time equivalent)
Tab. 20a Structure of labour costs in the national economy (by CZ-NACE Section, size of reporting unit, region) (CZK/full-time equivalent)
Tab. 21 Number of job applicants and registered unemployment rate: by gender
Tab. 22 Number of job applicants and vacancies by NUTS 3
Tab. 23a Job vacancy rate: by economic activity (Section of CZ-NACE)