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Population changes - year 2010

Marriages and live births is declining

Publication Date: 14. 03. 2011

Product Code: r-4001-10

(Text not edited for language)

The number of births was by 10.3 thousand higher than the number of deaths, even at a simultaneous decline in the number of births (by 1.2 thousand) and deaths (by 0.6 thousand). Migration obtained the CR a total of 15.6 thousand inhabitants, although the number of immigrants was by 9.5 thousand lower than in 2009, while the number of emigrants was by 3.2 thousand higher. The number of marriages again decreased (by 1.1 thousand), the number of divorces was by 1.6 thousand higher. The number of abortions declined to below 40 thousand.

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Published data result from a processing of individual statistical notifications of demographic events in 2010. The number of inhabitants is a result of an intercensal balance, which followed the 2001 population census; the current new census will be a basis for population balance for the next 10-year period. Further, the census will provide more extra data about population as of 26 March 2011 that cannot be found by annual statistics. On the contrary, the population census cannot provide data basis for an analysis of demographic processes as not as population forecasts.

According to the preliminary statistical balance the total population of the Czech Republic on 31 December of the previous year was 10 532 770, by 26.0 thousand more than on 31 December 2009. The total increase, that was by a third lower than in 2009, was by 39.7 % owing to natural movement (difference between the number of live births and deaths). Although the number of immigrants was lower and the number of emigrants was higher than last year, the international migration formed the total increase by 60.3 % (72.2 % in 2009).

The number of live born children in 2010 was 117.2 thousand. Moreover, register offices recorded a total of 20 newborn children from secret deliveries and babyboxes. After the natality peak in 2008 the number of births has been declining for the second year, by 1.2 thousand down again. The whole drop was concentrated on the first order children (decreased by 1.7 thousand), whereas the number of children in the second and third order was slightly higher. Accordingly, the specific fertility rates went down for women up to 29 year of age and slightly up for women above 30 year old. The total fertility rate (the average number of children born to one woman) stagnated at the level of 1.49. The trend of later childbearing was continuing in a small extent. The average age of mothers increased by 0.2 years to 29.6 years, the average age of first mothers to 27.6 years. A total of one third of all children were born to women aged 29-32 years. The share of live births born outside marriage is continuously increasing, for the first time it reached above 40 % (40.3 % in 2010 in comparison with 38.8. % in 2009). A total of 47.2 thousand children were born to unmarried women. The number of children with other than Czech citizenship (three thousand) was comparable to the figure of 2009.

During the year 2010 there were 106.8 thousand of deaths, which was by 0.6 thousand less than in 2009. While the male life expectancy at birth increased only by 0.2 to 74.4 years, the female life expectancy climbed up to 80.6 years after two-year stagnation at the level of 80.1 years. There were 313 deceased children under 1 year of age; the infant mortality rate was lower than ever before and is one of the lowest all over the world. Per 10 thousand live births, a total of 27 infants died before reaching the age of 1. The structure of all deceased by causes of death does not change significantly. Half of deaths occurred on diseases of the circulatory system (53.6 thousand), a total of 28.2 thousand of deceased (26.4 %) died due to neoplasms, a total of 6.2 thousand (5.8 %) due to diseases of the respiratory system and a total of 6.0 thousand of deaths (5.6 %) were caused by external causes (transport accidents, falls, suicides, violent deaths , poisonings).

Only 46.7 thousand marriages were entered into during the year 2010, by 1.1 thousand down on a previous year. The same number of marriages was recorded two hundred years before but only a half of the present number of population lived in the territory of the CR. The decrease of nuptiality rate is long-term and moreover, large generations of 1970s have crossed the age of high nuptiality. Single men mostly get married at the age of 28-31 years, single women at the age of 25-29 years. A total of 1,707 men and 2,403 women with Czech citizenship got married to foreign citizen: men mostly with Slovaks and Ukrainians, women with Slovaks, Germans and British.

After a temporary decrease in 2009 the number of divorces returned to common level. A total of 30.8 thousand of marriages got divorced in 2010, which was by 1.6 thousand more than in 2009. The share of marriages ended in divorce (total divorce rate) went back to 50 %. The highest divorce rates were at 2-5 years after wedding. A woman was a plaintiff for divorce by two-thirds. A total of 57.3 % of divorcees had minor children. There were a total of 26.5 thousand minor children at divorce.

A total of 39.3 thousand abortions were registered in 2010, by 1.3 thousand down on a year before. Half of drop occurred on induced abortions, a total of 24.0 thousand there made. The number of spontaneous abortions had been slightly increasing for four-year period, now the figure decreased from 14.6 thousand to 14.0 thousand. The number of ectopic pregnancies (1.3 thousand) remained the same as in 2009. This development is an obvious consequence of decreasing number of all pregnancies.

According to the data from the Central Population Register Record of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic the international migration added up a total of 15.6 thousand inhabitants during the year 2010, which was by 12.7 thousand less than in 2009. Markedly lower net migration resulted from the lower number of immigrants (by 9.5 thousand) and simultaneous higher number of emigrants (by 3.2 thousand). Besides a total of 2.5 thousand immigrants with Czech citizenship there were mainly immigrants with citizenship of Slovak (5.1 thousand), Russia (3.7 thousand), Ukraine (3.5 thousand) and German (2.0 thousand). The emigrants were mostly people with citizenship of Slovak (6.4 thousand), Czech (2.4 thousand), Poland (2.3 thousand) and German (1.6 thousand). According to the Alien Information System a total of 425,301 foreigners lived in the Czech Republic as of 31 December 2010, and comprised 4.0 % of total population.

Contact person: Michaela Němečková, phone: (+420) 27405 2184,
Data sources: Demographic statistics – results of processing statistical reports of Obyv series (notifications of the entry into marriage, of birth, of death, of divorce).
Migration data – Central Population Register Record (Ministry of Interior).
Abortions – Institute of Health Information and Statistics.
All data refer to the resident population of the Czech Republic, irrespective of citizenship. Since 2001, the figures include (in accordance with the Population and Housing Census 2001) foreigners with long-term stay (i.e., the stay based on visa over 90 days, as stipulated by Act No. 326/1999 Coll.) and foreigners with granted asylum status (in compliance with Act No. 325/1999 Coll.). Since 1 st May 2004, in accordance with amendment No. 326/1999 Coll., the figures include citizens of the European Union with temporary stay on the territory of the Czech Republic, and citizens of other countries with long-term stay. The data also contain information on events (marriages, births and deaths) of permanent residents of the Czech Republic that occurred abroad.
All results for 2010 are preliminary.
Related publications: w-4001-10 Population of the Czech Republic in year 2010
w-4001-09 Population of the Czech Republic in year 2009
