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Population change - 1st half of 2023

Number of births continued to decline

Publication Date: 11. 09. 2023

Product Code: 130080-23

The population of the Czech Republic increased by 46.0 thousand to 10.87 million during January–June period this year. The entire increase was ensured by a positive balance of international migration, which reached 57.5 thousand, while by natural change the population of the Czech Republic decreased by 11.5 thousand. The number of live births, deaths, marriages and divorces was lower year-on-year.

According to the population balance produced by the CZSO, the population of the Czech Republic as of 30 June 2023 was 10.87 million, including those with valid temporary protection granted in connection with the war in Ukraine. A total of 79.8 thousand people immigrated to the Czech Republic from abroad in the period between January and June this year, while 22.3 thousand people emigrated from the Czech Republic. The net migration was significantly lower year-on-year due to high gains last year (arrival of refugees from Ukraine), but remained higher compared to previous years. Citizens of Ukraine continued to dominate in both migration flows. By natural change, the population of the Czech Republic decreased by 11.5 thousand persons, by 2.3 thousand more than in the first half of 2022.

Chart - Population statistics, 1st half

"The year-on-year decline in births that began in January 2022 continues. According to preliminary data, a total of 45.2 thousand children were born alive in the Czech Republic from January to June this year, which was a year-on-year decrease of 5.7 thousand, or 11%. Most of the decline was in children born to women aged 28 to 31," said Michaela Němečková from the Demographic Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office. The share of live births outside marriage reached 47.7%, which was slightly less than a year earlier. One-tenth of the births had a mother with foreign citizenship, two-fifths of them were Ukrainian and one-quarter were Slovak.

During the first half of this year, 56.7 thousand inhabitants of the Czech Republic died, by 3.4 thousand fewer than in the same period a year earlier. There were 19.1 thousand couples entered into marriage, by 3.0 thousand fewer year-on-year. The number of divorces decreased by 0.5 thousand year-on-year to 9.9 thousand.


All data refer to citizens of the Czech Republic and foreigners with permanent residence in the Czech Republic, third-country nationals with temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic based on a long-term visa (over 90 days) or a permanent residence permit, nationals of the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and their dependants with notified temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic and foreigners with valid asylum status in the Czech Republic. As of 2022, the population includes persons granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic with usual residence in the Czech Republic. The data contain also information on events (marriages, births, and deaths) of Czech citizens with the permanent residence in the Czech Republic that occurred abroad and were registered by the special registry office in Brno.
All data for 2023 are preliminary.

Responsible manager: Mgr. Robert Šanda, director of Population Statistics Department, tel. +420 274 052 160, e-mail:
Contact person: Mgr. Michaela Němečková, Demographic Statistics Unit, tel. +420 274 052 184, e-mail:

Data source: Demographic statistics – results of processing statistical reports of Obyv series
Divorces – Information system of the Ministry of Justice of the CR
Migration data – Information System of Inhabitants Records (Ministry of the Interior of the CR) and Alien Information System (Directorate of Alien Police)
End of data collection: 29 August 2023 (or 6 September 2023 for the deceased)
Related publication: 130062-22 Population of the Czech Republic – 1st half of 2023
Related time series:
Next News Release: 12 December 2023
