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Population change - 1st - 3rd quarter of 2011

Population of CR is still increasing, albeit slowly

Publication Date: 12. 12. 2011

Product Code: r-4001-11

In the first three quarters of 2011, the population of the Czech Republic increased by 15.8 thousand to 10 548,5 thousand. The natural change added 4.9 thousand persons and the number of immigrants was higher than the number of emigrants by 10.9 thousand. The number of live births was 83.3 thousand in the first nine months, by 5.7 thousand less than in the same period of the previous year. Compared to the year 2010 the numbers of marriages, divorces, deaths, abortions, immigrants and emigrants also decreased.

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Published data result from the processing of individual statistical notifications of demographic events in the 1st to 3rd quarter of 2011. The number of inhabitants is a result of an intercensal balance, which followed the 2001 population census; the current processing census 2011 will be a basis for population balance for the next 10-year period. Further, the census will provide more extra data about population as of 26 March 2011 that cannot be found by annual statistics. On the contrary, the population census cannot provide a data basis for an analysis of demographic processes as not as population forecasts.

From January to September 2011 a total of 83.3 thousand children were live born, by 5.7 thousand less than in the same period of the previous year, when lower numbers of births were compared to 2010 in all three quarters. Preliminary data indicate the slight decline in total fertility rate. This indicator, which represents the average number of live born children to a woman, was at the level of 1.49 in 2009-2010 and the estimate for the period of 1 st to 3 rd quarter is 1.44. By one tenth of the year, to 29.7 year, the average age of mothers at childbirth has further increased. Most often children were born to women aged 30-32 year, women at the age of 28 and 29 dominated among primiparae. Also the share of children born outside marriage continued to rise this year, and increased from 40.1% from 1 st to 3 rd quarter of 2010 to 41.5%.

The number of deaths registered in the 1 st to 3 rd quarter of 2011 was 78.4 thousand, by 1.1 thousand lower than in the same period of the previous year. For 49% of deaths the underlying cause of death was from the group of the circulatory system diseases, for 26% deaths in the 1 st to 3 rd quarter a neoplasm was determined as the cause of death. Deaths from external causes as well as respiratory diseases accounted for 5% of deaths. Children died before reaching one year of age was 224 and infant mortality rate was at 27 infant deaths per 10,000 live births.

In the 1 st to 3 rd quarter of this year 37.6 thousand of marriages were entered into, which was by 2.4 thousand less than in the first three quarter of 2010. This is a further decrease in number of marriages entered into that will very likely continue as numerous generations born in the seventies turned the age of high nuptiality rate. In 2011, it can be expected to overcome the historic low from last year, when 46.7 thousand of marriages were entered into. Most marriages were this year entered into in June and July (8.0 and 7.2 thousand), the least in January (0.9 thousand).

During the reporting period a total of 20.5 thousand of marriages were divorced, by 2.8 thousand fewer than in January to September 2010. This decrease was subsequently reflected in decline in total divorce rate – the proportion of marriages terminated by divorce got back significantly below the fifty percent recorded in 2010 (preliminary figure for the first three quarters is 45%; but definitive figure is expected to be slightly higher). The highest intensity of divorce occurred relatively soon after getting married, that is after 2 to 5 years. Of the total of divorces was 57.0% divorces with minors, which were 17.4 thousand.

In the 1 st to 3 rd quarter there were 29.1 thousand abortions registered (by 393 less than a year ago), the number of induced abortions stood at 18.1 thousand (by 52 more). The total abortion rate and induced abortion rate remained at the level of previous year, i.e. 0.51 abortion and 0.32 induced abortion per a woman. The decrease in absolute numbers of abortions is a consequence of the declining number of pregnancies. Single women most often undergo induced abortion (but until 2006 there were married women). In terms of the order of abortion the most of them are the first induced abortion. Classification by the number of children born to given woman showed that the most numerous group of women undergoing induced abortion are women with two born children.

According to the data from the Central Population Register Record of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic the international migration added 10.9 thousand inhabitants in the first nine months, while it was 11.2 thousand in the same period of the last year. However the numbers of immigrants and emigrants were significantly lower this year (by 9.0 respectively 8.6 thousand). The net migration accounted for 69% of the total population increase in the 1 st to 3 rd quarter of 2011. The highest net migration was registered with citizens of Slovakia (2.1 thousand persons), Ukraine (1.5 thousand) and Russia (1.3 thousand). According to the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior a total of 408,036 foreigners with residence permit lived in the Czech Republic as of 30 September 2011, and comprised 3.9% of total population.

Contact person: Terezie Štyglerová, phone: (+420)274 054 063
Data sources: Demographic statistics – results of processing statistical reports of Obyv series (notifications of the entry into marriage, of birth, of death)
Divorces –Information system of the Ministry of the Interior of the CR
Migration data –Central Population Register Record (Ministry of the Interior of the CR)
Abortions – Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR
All data refer to the resident population of the Czech Republic, irrespective of citizenship. Since 2001, the figures include (in accordance with the Population and Housing Census 2001) foreigners with long-term stay (i.e., the stay based on visa over 90 days, as stipulated by Act No. 326/1999 Coll.) and foreigners with granted asylum status (in compliance with Act No. 325/1999 Coll.). Since 1 st May 2004, in accordance with amendment No. 326/1999 Coll., the figures include citizens of the European Union with temporary stay on the territory of the Czech Republic, and citizens of other countries with long-term stay. The data also contain information on events (marriages, births and deaths) of permanent residents of the Czech Republic that occurred abroad.
All data for 1 st to 3 rd quarter of 2011 are preliminary.
Related publications: e-4001-11 Population of the Czech Republic in January–September 2011
w-4001-10 Population of the Czech Republic in January–September 2010
News Releases for the year 2011 will be issued on 13 March 2012.
