Population change - 1st - 3rd quarter of 2017
The most marriages were in July
Publication Date: 12. 12. 2017
Product Code: 130080-17
The population of the Czech Republic increased by 18.7 thousand to 10.597 million from the beginning of the year to the end of September. The increase resulted from net migration as well as natural change. In the year-on-year comparison the number of live births did not change significantly, while the number of deaths was markedly higher than in the previous year. In the comparison with 2016, the number of marriages was also higher.
According to the preliminary statistical balance for the period of January-September 2017 the population of the Czech Republic rose by 18.7 thousand to 10 597.5 thousand on 30 September 2017. The increase was mostly caused by a positive balance of international migration, which amounted to 16.4 thousand. The predominance live births over deaths added the other 2.3 thousand inhabitants to the total population growth.
According to the preliminary data a total of 45.6 thousand marriages were entered into up to the end of September; it was by 1.6 thousand more than in the same period in 2016. The number of marriages also grew in the years 2014–2016. The highest number of weddings was held in July (9.8 thousand) this year, when fiancées besides traditional Saturday terms also chose for wedding the Friday 07/07/2017. This day a total of 1 822 marriages took place; it was the fourth highest daily number in 2017. However, the daily number reached the maximum of 2 043 weddings on the Saturday 09/09/2017. So far single men and single women prevailed among the newlyweds. Both groom and bride entered into the first marriage in more than two thirds of all marriages (31.5 thousand). The most common age for groom was 30 and for bride 27.
According to the available data so far, the Czech courts issued 18.9 thousand decisions about divorce in the first three quarters in 2017; it was by 0.3 thousand fewer than in the same period in 2016. Most divorces (43%) resulted from a joint petition for divorce. The average duration of marriage at divorce was 14.8 year. Divorces with minors (11.2 thousand) outnumbered divorces without minors (7.7 thousand). A total of 17.6 thousand children were touched by parents’ divorce.
According to the preliminary results of processing reports on abortions, a total of 25.8 thousand abortions were registered in the months of January to September 2017, by 1.4 thousand less than a year before. Most abortions, a total of 14.6 thousand, belonged to the group of legally induced abortions. The number of spontaneous abortions was 10.1 thousand. The number of single women outweighed the number of married women in all kinds of abortions. Abortion to women aged 32 years was mostly registered.
According to the preliminary data the number of people immigrated to the Czech Republic from abroad was 33.1 thousand and the number of those emigrated from the Czech Republic was 16.8 thousand in the first three quarters in 2017. The balance of net migration amounted to 16.4 thousand, by 2.5 thousand higher than in the same period of the previous year. The highest number of nationals of Ukraine (4.2 thousand) and Slovakia (3.2 thousand) increased in the population. The third highest positive net migration belonged to the nationals of Romania (1.1 thousand) and the fourth to the nationals of Bulgaria (1.0 thousand).
All data refer to the resident population of the Czech Republic, irrespective of citizenship. Since 2001 (in relation to the 2001 Population and Housing Census) the data include also foreigners with visa for stay over 90 days (pursuant to the Act No 326/1999 Sb) and foreigners with asylum granted (pursuant to the Act No 325/1999 Sb). Since 1 May 2004, in accordance with the Act No 326/1999 Sb, as amended, data apply also to EU nationals with temporary residence on the territory of the Czech Republic and third- country nationals with long-term residence permit. The data contain also information on events (marriages, births, and deaths) of Czech citizens with the permanent residence in the Czech Republic that occurred abroad.
All data for 2017 are preliminary.
Responsible manager: Mgr. Robert Šanda, director of Population Statistics Department, tel. +420 274 052 160, e-mail: robert.sanda@csu.gov.cz
Contact person: Mgr. Michaela Němečková, Demographic Statistics Unit, tel. +420 274 052 184, e-mail: michaela.nemeckova@csu.gov.cz
Data source: Demographic statistics - results of processing statistical reports of Obyv series
Divorces - Information system of the Ministry of Justice of the CR
Migration data - Information System of Inhabitants Records (Ministry of the Interior of the CR) and Alien Information System (Directorate of Alien Police)
Abortions - Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR
End of data collection: 21 November 2017
Related publication: 130062-17 Population of the Czech Republic - 1st-3rd quarter of 2017
Next News Release: 21 March 2018
This press release was not edited for language.