Rates of employment, unemployment and economic activity - March 2019
Unemployment Rate Stayed at 2.0% in March
Publication Date: 30. 04. 2019
Product Code: 250146-19
The employment rate of the aged 15–64 years (the share of the employed persons in the age group 15–64 years, as percentage), seasonally adjusted, reached 75.5% in March 2019 and increased by 0.8 percentage point (p.p.) compared to that in March 2018. The male employment rate was 82.4%; the female employment rate was 68.4%, both seasonally adjusted. The employment rate of persons aged 15–29 years, seasonally adjusted, was 49.0%, in the age group 30–49 years it attained 89.1%, and in the age group 50–64 years it got to 75.2%.
The general unemployment rate of the aged 15–64 years (the share of the unemployed in the labour force, that is in the total number of the employed and the unemployed (that means economically active persons), as percentage), seasonally adjusted, reached 2.0% in March 2019 and decreased by 0.3 p.p., year-on-year. The male unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted, attained 1.8%; the female unemployment rate reached 2.2%.
“In the recent period, trends have been fading away from the Czech labour market; the unemployment rate stagnates around two percent, and, namely in the case of males, it has almost no room where to drop anymore. In March the employment rate was 75.5%, yet the room for further increase in the employment rate I can see as significantly limited,” Dalibor Holý, Director of Labour Market and Equal Opportunities Department of the Czech Statistical Office, said.
The tables enclosed contain methodologically consistent time series of basic indicators of the labour market, and seasonally adjusted absolute numbers of the employed persons and of the unemployed ones, respectively, starting in 1993.
Responsible head at the CZSO: Dalibor Holý, Director of Labour Market and Equal Opportunities Statistics Department, phone: +420 274052694, e-mail: dalibor.holy@csu.gov.cz
Contact person: Ilona Mendlová, Labour Market and Equal Opportunities Statistics Department, phone: +420 274054380, e-mail: ilona.mendlova@csu.gov.cz
Data source: CZSO, Labour Force Sample Survey (LFSS), which is conducted in selected private households; collective accommodation establishments are not included in the survey. The LFSS results have been grossed up to the total population of the Czech Republic using data of the population statistics as at 1 January 2019 and the prediction of the population development in the following three months.
Time series are updated in the course of seasonal adjustment as the whole series.
End of data collection /
Next News Release shall be published on: 31 May 2019