Demografie, Review for Population Research - No. 2/2015
Publication Date: 15. 06. 2015
Product Code: 130053-15
Zdeněk Pavlík
Significant Turning Points in the Development of Mankind with a Special Regard to Demography
Robert Šanda
Usual and Registered Residence in the Population Census 2011
Branislav Šprocha
Nonmarital Births and Nonmarital Fertility among Women in Slovakia
Pavel Koudelka
Fertility in Relation to the Participation of Men in the Household: Does Gender Equality Help?
Zdeněk Pavlík
A History of Czech Sociology
Pavel Čtrnáct
The Monumental Work of Czech Historiography
From the Czech Demographic Society
The 6th Conference of Young Demographers
Lecture ‘Six Outstanding Problems in Developing Country Demography’
Alena Šubrtová Celebrates a Special Birthday
Ladislav Průša
Trends in Income from Benefits among the Population in 2000–2014