Information society in figures - 2017
Publication Date: 24. 04. 2017
Product Code: 061005-17
Fixed telephone network
Mobile telephone network
Broadband Internet network
Top-level domains
Households with a fixed telephone
Households with a mobile phone
Households with a computer
Households with access to the Internet
Individuals using the Internet
Individuals participating in social networks
Individuals making phone calls over the Internet
Individuals reading on-line news
Individuals looking for on-line informations about travelling
Individuals using the Internet for entertainment
Individuals using the Internet for activities related to usage of multimedia
Individuals using the Internet storage
Individuals using Internet banking
Individuals purchasing over the Internet
Individuals using protection of personal data on the Internet
Enterprises with an internal computer network
Enterprises with access to the Internet
Enterprises with a Website
Enterprises using social media esp. social networks
Enterprises buying any cloud computing services
Enterprises analysing Big Data
Enterprises paying to advertise on the Internet
Use of ICTs by employees of enterprises
e-Commerce of enterprises
Czech Point services
Electronic submissions for the Czech Financial Administration
Individuals using the Internet for interaction with public authorities
Enterprises using the Internet for interaction with public authorities
Use of Data Boxes in the Czech Republic
Schools equipped with selected ICTs
ICTs available to students
Students and individuals aged 16+ using the Internet
Individuals with selected computer skills
Tertiary education students of Computing in the Czech Republic
ICT professionals in the Czech Republic
Selected ICTs used by independent physicians
Applications on independent physicians' websites
Independent physicians storing medical patient data electronically
Individuals using on-line services in healthcare