Employment and Unemployment as Measured by the Labour Force Survey - quarterly data - 3. quarter of 2022
Publication Date: 20. 01. 2023
Product Code: 250129-22

I. Population characteristics of the Czech republic
103 / 3 Population aged 15 and over: by economic activity status
104 / 1 Level of formal education and participation in non-formal education in the age group 15-64
105 / 2 Age and education level of population: by economic activity status
II. Employment in the national economy
202 / 3 Employment in national economy: by Region – part 2
204 / 1 Employment in national economy by age group
205 / 2 Employment in national economy: by Area
212 / 1 Employment by age: time-limited work contract
III. Working hours
IV. Unemployment
V. Times series of basic indicators
501 / 1 First jobs - part 1
502 / 1 First jobs - part 2
504 / 1 Second jobs - part 2
505 / 1 Unemployment - part 1
507 / 1 Unemployment rate
508 / 1 Participation rate
509 / 1 Employment rate