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Average wages - 2nd quarter of 2011

Wage development markedly differentiated

Publication Date: 05. 09. 2011

Product Code: r-3101-11

In Q2 2011 the average gross monthly nominal wage per employee FTE in the entire national economy increased by 2.5% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. In the non-business sphere the average wage dropped by 0.9%.

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In Q2 2011 the average gross monthly nominal wage (hereinafter only as “the average wage”) per employee FTE in the entire national economy was CZK 23 984, which is by CZK 574 (2.5%) higher than in the same period of 2010. In the aforementioned period of 2011 consumer prices grew by 1.8% and thus wages increased by 0.7% in real terms. The wage volume rose by 2.7%; the number of employees increased by 0.2%.
The average wage in the business sphere increased nominally by 3.2%, by 1.4% in real terms; in the non-business sphere the average wage fell nominally by 0.9%, and by 2.7% in real terms.

Compared to the previous quarter the seasonally adjusted average wage in Q2 2011 grew by 0.7%.

In the first half of 2011 the average wage reached the amount of CZK 23 575; that means the increase was CZK 531 (2.3%) compared year-on-year. In the aforementioned period of 2011 consumer prices grew by 1.8% and thus the wages increased by 0.5% in real terms.

Analysis - Commentary on the development of average wages of employees

Responsible head: Dalibor Holý, tel. +420 274052694, e-mail:
Contact person: Dalibor Holý, tel. +420 274052694, e-mail:
Method of data acquisition: The CZSO direct survey and models – for details see the methodological notes under attached tables.
End of data processing: 28 August 2011
Specific remarks on methodology: The data are preliminary; revised data will be available in December 2011 .
Related publication: e-3106-11 Registered Number of Employees and Their Wages (2 nd Quarter of 2011), to be published at /produkty/registered-number-of-employees-and-their-wages-4th-quarter-of-2011-hptqxrzpio in September 2011.
The next News Release shall be published on 5 December 2011

The average gross monthly wage is the share of wages and salaries (including premium for overtime, direct remuneration and bonuses, refund of wages, etc.) per employee per month. Therefore it does not indicate what is the wage each concrete employee receives. Results of structural statistics, providing data on earnings of respective employees, show that approximately two thirds of employees have a wage lower than the national average.
It should be mentioned that an employee receives a net wage or salary, while the gross wage is such amount, from which the employer pays appropriate amounts on health and social security insurance, employment policy, and advance income tax.
