Average wages - 4. quarter of 2023
Average wage decreased by 1.2% in real terms
Publication Date: 05. 03. 2024
Product Code: 110031-23
In the Q4 2023, the average gross monthly nominal wage per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee in the national economy increased by 6.3% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. In real terms, it decreased by 1.2%. The median wage was CZK 39 685.
“Despite over 6% increase in the nominal wage per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee, the real wage in the Q4 2023 after taking the inflation into account decreased by 1.2%. It was already the ninth decrease in a row. For the whole year 2023, the real wage decreased by 2.9%, because the inflation reached 10.7% and the nominal wage increase was 7.5%,” Jitka Erhartová, Head of the Labour Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO), comments.
In the Q4 2023, the average gross monthly nominal wage*) (hereinafter only referred to as ‘the average wage’) per FTE employee in the national economy in total was CZK 46 013, which is by CZK 2 734 (6.3%) more than in the corresponding period of 2022. In the aforementioned period, consumer prices increased by 7.6% and the wage therefore decreased in real terms by 1.2%. The volume of wages increased by 6.5%; the number of employees increased by 0.1%.
Compared to the previous quarter, the seasonally adjusted average wage increased by 1.5% in the Q4 2023.
According to the breakdown of economic activities (industries) by CZ-NACE section, the highest increase of the average wage compared to the corresponding period of 2022 was recorded in ‘mining and quarrying’ (10.3%), ‘accommodation and food service activities’ (10.1%), and ‘water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities’ (9.8%). The lowest decrease by 0.3% occurred in ‘other service activities’.
The median wage (CZK 39 685) increased by 6.0% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The male median wage reached CZK 42 340 and the female one was CZK 36 842. Eighty per cent of employees earned wages within the interval from CZK 20 073 to CZK 74 654.
In the year 2023, the average wage reached CZK 43 341; in the year-on-year comparison, the increment was CZK 3 024 (7.5%). Consumer prices increased in the aforementioned period by 10.7%; the wage thus decreased in real terms by 2.9%.
*) The average gross monthly wage is a share of wage funds (including extra pay for overtime work, bonuses, compensation of wages, etc.) per one employee per month. Therefore, it does not indicate what wage one specific employee has. The earnings structure statistics, in which data on earnings of individual employees are available, show that about two thirds of employees have a wage below the national average.
The median wage represents a value of an employee wage in the middle of the wage distribution. It means that one half of the wages is lower and the second half of the wages is higher than the median wage. Unlike the average wage, which is calculated based on background data from enterprise reports, the median has to be derived from a statistical-mathematical model based on a sample survey, because enterprise questionnaires (reports) only contain aggregated data for a whole enterprise or an organisation.
It has to be kept in mind that from the gross wages the employers pay appropriate amounts for premiums for health insurance and social security and advances of income taxes of natural persons for their employees. The employees are paid net wages.
The data are preliminary. Refined data will be available in June 2024.
Responsible head at the CZSO: Dalibor Holý, Director of the Labour Market and Equal Opportunities Statistics Department,
Contact person: Jitka Erhartová, Head of the Labour Statistics Unit,
Method of data acquisition: The direct survey and models of the CZSO; the ISAE (Information System on Average Earnings) model
End of data processing: 20 February 2024
Related data set: 110024-23 Registered number of employees and their wages (the fourth quarter of 2023),
The next news release will be published on: 4 June 2024