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Average wages - 2nd quarter of 2010

Average nominal wage increased by 2.4%, real wage by 1.2%

Publication Date: 03. 09. 2010

Product Code: r-3101-10

In Q2 2010, the average gross monthly nominal wage per employee FTE in the entire national economy increased by 2.4% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, with the real wage increasing by 1.2%. The volume of wages raised by 0.3%, the number of employees was 2.0% down. In the business sphere the average nominal wage increased by 2.7%, real wage by 1.5%. In the non-business sphere the average nominal wage raised by 1.0% and the real wage decreased by 0.2%.

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In Q2 2010, the average gross monthly nominal wage (hereinafter only the “average wage”) per employee FTE in the entire national economy raised, compared to the previous quarter, by 0.8% seasonally adjusted.

The average wage accounted for CZK 23,513 and was by CZK 542 (2.4%) higher compared with the same period of 2009. Consumer prices grew by 1.2% for Q2 2010, compared to the same period of the previous year, so that the real wage increased by 1.2%. The average wage increased by CZK 608 (2.7%) to CZK 23,415 in the business sphere, with the real wages rising by 1.5%. In the non-business sphere the average wage rose more slowly by CZK 232 (1.0%) to CZK 23,937, with the real wage decreasing by 0.2%.

In Q2 2010, the inter-industry wage differentiation increased, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The variation coefficient of average wages (according to CZ-NACE sections) increased by 0.9 percentage point to reach 33.5%.

The average nominal wage (according to CZ-NACE sections) dropped namely in 'transportation and storage' (-0.3%), and 'education' (-0.2%), a low relative growth was recorded in 'accommodation and food service activities' (+0.2%) and 'administrative and support service activities' (+0.6%). The biggest growth was recorded in 'mining and quarrying' (+10.4%), 'electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply' (+5.4%) and 'human health and social work activities' (+4.9%). The highest nominal wage (in financial and insurance activities) was approximately 3.6times higher than the lowest nominal wage (accommodation and food service activities).

In the first half-year of 2010 the average wage accounted for CZK 23,135 and was by CZK 521 (2.3%) higher compared with the same period of 2009. Consumer prices in the mentioned period increased by 0.9%, with real wages rising by 1.4%. The average wage increased by CZK 528 (2.3%) to CZK 23,055 in the business sphere, with the real wage rising by 1.4%. In the non-business sphere the average wage rose by CZK 468 (2.0%) to CZK 23,482, with the real wage increasing by 1.1%.

Analysis - Analysis of the development of average wages of employees

Contact: D. Holý, tel. 274052694, e-ma il:
Data source: CZSO direct survey and the CZSO models – see the methodological note under the attached table for details
End of data processing: 27 August 2010
The data are preliminary; revised data will be available in December 2010 .
Related publication: 3106-10 Registered Number of Employees and their Wages in the CR for Q2 2010, to be brought out on /produkty/evidencni-pocet-zamestnancu-a-jejich-mzdy-1-az-4-ctvrtleti-2010-xpoagw4zpo in September 2010.

The average gross monthly wage is the share of wages and salaries (including premium pay for overtime, direct remuneration and bonuses, refund of wages, etc.) per one employee/month. It does not therefore show what wage does each concrete employee receive. Results of structural statistics providing data on employees´ earnings show that approximately two thirds of employees have a lower wage than the national average.
It should be mentioned that an employee receives net salary, while the gross wage is such from which the employer pays appropriate amounts on health and social insurance, policy of employment and advance income tax.
