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Labour Force Sample Survey (LFSS)

In 2022, 5.2 million persons were employed in Czechia, of which 2.9 million were males and 2.3 million females. There were 118 thousand of the unemployed, i.e. 2.2% of all the economically active persons aged 15+ years. How do we know that? Because it was you who told us so!

About the survey

The Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) has been carrying out Labour Force Sample Surveys since December 1992. The survey takes place in all Districts of Czechia, continually throughout the year. Thanks to data from the LFSS, we know the current employment structure by sex, age and qualification, industry (economic activity - CZ-NACE section) and type of occupation of the interviewed. We also obtain data on the amount of hours worked, whether persons work in more jobs concurrently, and on the labour force mobility. The survey also provides information about the total unemployment and its character, on the structure of the unemployed from the social point of view, in terms of their profession, qualification, length of unemployment, etc.

What do the results serve for?

The main objective of the LFSS is to obtain regular information on the situation on the labour market enabling to analyse the situation from various points of view, especially economic, social, and demographic ones. Obtained results supplement data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on the labour market development and are used as background materials for decision making of governmental institutions responsible for directing of social and employment policies. They can thus efficiently response to the current labour market development. The survey is carried out in all EU Member States according to a unified methodology and results for individual countries are thus fully comparable.

How does the survey take place?

The survey is carried out by interviewers of the Czech Statistical Office in individual addressed households. Since the situation on the labour market is changing fast and is subject to seasonal influences, data for the same household are measured for a longer period of time. An interviewer addresses a selected household repeatedly, always after three months, five times in total. Afterwards, he/she completes with household members an electronic statistical questionnaire on his/her notebook or tablet for interviewers or a paper questionnaire for each person who is usually residing there. The LFSS is based on random sampling of dwellings (flats). In 2023, interviewers of the CZSO successfully visited over 23 thousand individual dwellings (flats) on average and obtained answers from almost 49 thousand persons.

Where can you find the survey results?

Results of the LFSS are regularly published on web pages of the CZSO. You can find there data for individual quarters of a reference year, annual results, as well as long-term time series. - a quarterly analysis
- a quarterly publication
- a publication with annual averages
- a long-term time series since the year 1993

Data confidentiality and protection

Information that you tell the interviewer is strictly anonymous. The CZSO fully respects the European legal framework for personal data protection (GDPR) and acts in compliance with it. Moreover, all employees of the CZSO are sworn to secrecy about all surveyed facts pursuant to the Act No 89/1995 Sb, on the State Statistical Service. No piece of information that would identify interviewed respondents enters the processing itself. Information from the survey is published solely in the form of statistical summaries.

Detailed information on personal data processing can be found at: