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Tourism Sample Survey (TSS)

In 2022, in the framework of tourism, 69% of the population of the Czech Republic aged 15+ years made one or more trips involving an overnight stay in Czechia and 37% of persons made at least one trip abroad. A quarter of the population made no overnight trip at all during the whole year for which the most frequently mentioned reasons were that they had health problems, they were not interested in travelling, and due to financial reasons. Czechs preferred travelling by a private motor vehicle and the number of trips made by air transport more than doubled, year-on-year. Also the share of tours organised by a travel agency or tour operator increased. Trips abroad were mostly made in the summer season and the target destinations were primarily the following ones: Croatia, Slovakia, and Italy. How do we know that? Because it was you who told us so!

About the survey

The TSS survey provides important data on the domestic and outbound tourism that cannot be obtained otherwise, for example, from administrative data sources. Due to time and financial reasons, it is impossible to ask all the population of Czechia; however, a well selected sample of persons will provide a rather reliable picture. Nevertheless, the reliability of obtained data depends on the willingness of the interviewed to answer the asked questions. Similar surveys are carried out in all developed countries and therefore the results are internationally comparable. 

The survey’s objective is to obtain regular information on travel habits of the population of the Czech Republic. For example, we are interested in what destinations they travelled to, for how long, what type of accommodation and transport they used, and also in detailed costs of financing their trips.

What do the results serve for?

Obtained results serve for needs of the public administration both on the national and regional level. They are important for the purposes of an active investment policy of the state in the area of tourism and are also used by entrepreneurs and investors who decide to make their business in tourism. Students and university teachers as well as other professionals dealing with the issues of tourism also cannot do without them and the general public regularly gets acquainted with them by means of the media. Surveyed data contribute to the quantification of economic effects of tourism and to the measurement of a contribution of the tourism industry to the national economy of Czechia. Published data enable making international comparisons. Thus they contribute to finding ways to increase competitiveness of Czechia as a destination on the international tourism market.

How does the survey take place?

The survey is carried out every year in a randomly selected sample of households and it is implemented in the framework of the Labour Force Sample Survey (LFSS). The data are surveyed by means of trained interviewers who visit selected households and complete the survey questionnaire with all persons who usually live on the given address at the time of the survey. A household is asked about tourism four times in total – always after a quarter of the year – and the interview may take place even over the phone.  

Where can you find the survey results?

Results of the TSS survey are available on web pages of the CZSO here:

Selected data are also published in Statistical Yearbooks of the Czech Republic.

Data confidentiality and protection

Information that you tell the interviewer is strictly anonymous. The CZSO fully respects the European legal framework for personal data protection (GDPR) and acts in compliance with it. Moreover, all employees of the CZSO are sworn to secrecy about all surveyed facts pursuant to the Act No 89/1995 Sb, on the State Statistical Service. No piece of information that would identify interviewed respondents enters the processing itself. Information from the survey is published solely in the form of statistical summaries.

Detailed information on personal data processing can be found at: