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A sample survey on energy consumption in households (ENERGO - 2021)

In 2021, households received the biggest amount of energy from renewable energy sources; it was slightly over 30%. It was followed by natural gas with about 26% share. Energy supplied from electricity comprised almost 20%. Purchased heat made about 13% in the total consumption of households and solid fuels 9%. 38% of households were connected to heat supplies from combined heat and power plants and other central sources of heat; a similar percentage used natural gas as the main source of heating. Renewable energy sources (mainly fuel wood) as a prevailing source of heating were used by 10% of households. Among almost 7% of households coal fuels were still predominating and the remaining 7% were mostly heating by electricity. How do we know that? Because it was you who told us so!

About the survey

Sample Surveys on Energy Consumption in Households (ENERGO) have been carried out in Czechia at irregular intervals already since 1997. The main objective of the survey is to obtain fresh data on the consumption of fuels and energies in households by specific purpose of use (for space heating, space cooling, water heating, cooking, and other end use) and further data on energy efficiency of selected electrical appliances and consumption of renewable types of energy.  

The energy consumption of households not only in Czechia and its structure is changing in time. Nowadays, in pursuing sustainable development, there are demands for decreasing energy intensity worldwide (e.g. in the form of insulating buildings), increasing energy efficiency (using of new more modern technologies and appliances with lower consumption and higher efficiency), or reducing emissions. Economic reasons are another factor that is not insignificant. Prices of fuels and energies are gradually increasing and therefore households are looking for sources of energy that are more economically advantageous – they replace fuel used or they use alternative (renewable) energy sources (heat pumps, solar energy use) the importance of which is permanently increasing. The sample survey on energy consumption in households is therefore an important source of information about those structural changes that are currently taking place.

Data from the ENERGO survey cannot be derived from other available sources - only directly from households. The latest survey was carried out in 2021. The ENERGO survey is conducted based on fulfilment of requirements of EU regulations. Similar surveys are also carried out in other countries of the European Union and therefore the results are comparable Europe-wide.

What do the results serve for?

Consumption of fuels and energies in households is one of important areas of energy consumption both in terms of the national economy and from the point of view of daily life of individual citizens. Results from the ENERGO survey are used for making energy policy of the state, including the area of subsidies and energy savings, or for comparing energy consumption of Czech households with other Member States of the European Union. In Czechia, they are used by the state administration (for example, by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, and other institutions/authorities). Data on final consumption of households enter, for example, the energy balance of Czechia and are used in many other statistics of the CZSO. Results of the survey are also widely used on the international level. Based on legislation of the EU, data are transmitted to Eurostat (statistical office of the EU) and other international institutions. Households in Czechia have a possibility to compare their consumption of fuels and energies with an average consumption in dwellings (flats) with similar characteristics.

How does the survey take place?

The ENERGO - 2021 survey was conducted from 12 July 2021 to 14 January 2022. It was carried out in selected households, which were selected absolutely randomly from the Register of Enumeration Districts and Buildings, from which a computer randomly selected specific dwellings (flats) afterwards. A private household that usually lives in a selected dwelling (flat) was the survey unit. It did not matter whether persons in a surveyed dwelling (flat) have permanent, long-term, temporary, or unreported residence. The survey was carried out in all Regions of Czechia and approximately 16 000 households were addressed in total.

Trained interviewers of the CZSO visited selected households in person and completed survey questionnaires with the household members. The questionnaires were divided into several thematic areas. The following have been surveyed in the form of questions: basic socio-demographic characteristics of a selected household (e.g. the number of the household members) and, further, basic technical parameters of a given dwelling (for example, whether the house has been insulated). Another part of the survey questionnaire consisted of questions regarding consumption of fuels and energies used in households and for what purpose they are used (heating, water heating, and the like). Further questions were about energy efficiency (for example, finding out the energy efficiency class and other technical specifications of basic electrical appliances). Questions regarding using of personal cars for personal trips made a separate part of the questionnaire. 

Where can you find the survey results?

Data collection in households was finished in January 2022; afterwards, data were processed and analysed. Survey results were published in the middle of 2022. Information on the ENERGO - 2021 is available on the website of the CZSO together with results from the previous surveys. (Czech only)

Data confidentiality and protection

Information that you tell the interviewer is strictly anonymous. The CZSO fully respects the European legal framework for personal data protection (GDPR) and acts in compliance with it. Moreover, all employees of the CZSO are sworn to secrecy about all surveyed facts pursuant to the Act No 89/1995 Sb, on the State Statistical Service. No piece of information that would identify interviewed respondents enters the processing itself. Information from the survey is published solely in the form of statistical summaries.

Detailed information on personal data processing can be found at: